i have question about the food tracking & exercise Logging

Hi newbie here!

I am trying to log in food by measuring them in grams and have no idea on how to do it? Can anybody help? Also i am not sure how to log in my exercise as i don't know how many calories are being burned off. I try to stick to a low estimate for calories burned from exercise so i don't fool myself in to thinking i am burning 700 calories when i am actually only burning 150. I used to have a HRM but... my daughter has been playing with it and misplaced and have no idea where the chest strap is.

Like for example if i did a 30 min HIIT workout how would i add that to my exercise log and does this website give you a general guestimate of what your burning for a 30 min workout?

Thanks in advance! Any friendly / Inspiring / supportive people out there who wouldn't mind friending me I'd greatly appreciate it!


  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    if you're measuring in grams you will need a food scale and then to find a food entry that allows you to enter the food in grams. this isn't always possible. for a lot of "real" foods (plain beef, cheese, veggies, fruits) you can choose your serving (like 1 cup, chopped; 1 medium, 100 g) and then i usually just put it in in grams if possible. for other stuff though like processed and packaged foods you might not be ablet o dot hat. as for logging your calories it will be hard to do that for things like HIIT without a heart rate monitor since MFP doesn't really have an option to log intervals. you could try to log the total time of your high periods as well as your total low periods, but it probably won't be really accurate
  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    If you have a scale that only measures in ounces, you can search for a measurement converter. Before I got my digital scale, which I totally recommend getting so you can measure in ounces and grams, I entered in to my search engine "converting ounces to grams". It helped to enter in the foods that I ate when there was no measurement for ounces available on that particular food.
  • sumileajiana
    sumileajiana Posts: 8 Member
    I do have a food scale. And everything i have tracked has been in grams which is why i am asking. The problem i am having is I am unable to enter specific gram amounts in to the tracker. Like 45 grams of Oatmeal. Usually i have to enter like 2 servings of 28 grams or whatever is pre-saved in the searches.
  • The runtastic app for smart phones is really good for walking and running. It automatically posts to MFP too.