Feeling frustrated :(



  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i would feel frustrated too. don't let it get you down too much though. big picture - you are doing great!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Diets don't work. Especially the kind where you lose a ton of weight eating in a way you know you won't continue eating after you lose your weight (like Atkins).

    You have to commit to a life style change. Eating healthy (with occasional treats) is the way of life we should chose to live.

    Have you started measuring yourself? measurements really help you feel better when the scale doesn't move. Over the summer the scale stayed still for 2 months! But I went from a size 12 to a size 8 pants. I was exchanging fat for muscle and since a lb of muscle takes up less room (muscle is more dense) than a pound of fat, I was getting smaller but the scale wasn't changing. Then the holidays hit. I was working out hard but eating horribly and I was in denial about it. "I only had a half of a piece of pie" and I only ate "some" M&Ms" or "I'll just have a couple bites". . .My pants sizes weren't changing.. the scale wasn't changing and my measurements were changing a little but not much. I didn't gain weight since I was working out hard... I ended up maintaining. FINALLY I decided to become accountable for what I put into my mouth and that's the only thing that has worked. Sugar is the enemy! I have found that high sugar days are the days where I feel terrible and the scale actually goes up. So, I really try to avoid things like cakes (even non fat), cereal bars, granola bars, pudding, etc..... Every time I eat I have protein first or mixed into what I am eating. And finally, I have started losing and seeing some muscle tone and definition.

    Don't get frustrated.... It's been since June until this January that I've been dealing with my body not really looking different or changing. it wasn't until I started logging my food that I have made real changes in the way that I feel and look. You're here and doing great! You're making changes. And remember, you can't undo what took years to do over night. It takes time. It also takes time to learn how to adapt to your new life style. You will reach your goals!!!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    I find when I eat too much sugar or too much sodium the scale goes up. Also, it will go up after workouts. it's water retention. Drink extra water after a workout and on days that you feel you didn't eat well. It helps!

    I was over on sodium on saturday, and over on sugar on sunday. I'm normally not over on either. I did drink at least 64oz of water both days, but i normallly drink closer to 100oz, so i'm sure the combination of the two wasn't good. Thanks, I will work to keep up the water extra hard this weekend away coming up!
  • Supermel
    Supermel Posts: 612 Member
    Thanks for your thoughts LeighAnne. I'm feelinga bit less frustrated now than this morning. I have cut out my daily granola bar most days now (a big change, as i do love it) because i was always over on my sugar. I also cut out juice right away once logging on here.

    I am taking mesaurements, yes. I have lost approx 4.5 inches off my stomach and 2 to 2.5 inches off my hips and thighs. My clothes are fitting better. But I'm also working hard at the 30DayShred which is big change for me, I normally only had done light exercise! I am seeing more defintion in my arms, legs and core. I saw most of the loss of inches in the first week of the 30DayShred though. I won't be measuring again til next week when i finish the Shred.

    I may be PMS'y today, I have a slight headache (despite gallons of water) and am super cranky. I normally don't let one bad day on the scale get to me, but i was so happy to see 30 pounds down on Friday, that it just broke my heart to see myself back up again already. Hopefully this Friday will be a nicer number, i am willing to work for it.

    The day to day changes have been easy. Planned eating out for one meal is going great. Being away for most of a weekend is TOUGH and when large amounts of crap food are presented, i am truly finding it a challenge. This is absolutely a for life change, I don't ever intend of putting myself in the crappy place i was last year. I had zero motivation, bad skin and felt 'down'. Now that I'm moving and eating better I feel great. There is No going back!!
    Diets don't work. Especially the kind where you lose a ton of weight eating in a way you know you won't continue eating after you lose your weight (like Atkins).

    You have to commit to a life style change. Eating healthy with occasional treats is the way of life we should chose to live.

    Have you started measuring yourself? measurements really help you feel better when the scale doesn't move. Over the summer the scale stayed still for 2 months! But I went from a size 12 to a size 8 pants. I was exchanging fat for muscle and since a lb of muscle takes up less room (muscle is more dense) than a pound of fat, I was getting smaller but the scale wasn't changing. Then the holidays hit. I was working out hard but eating horribly and I was in denial about it. "I only had a half of a piece of pie" and I only ate "some" M&Ms" or "I'll just have a couple bites". . .My pants sizes weren't changing.. the scale wasn't changing and my measurements were changing a little but not much. I didn't gain wait since I was working out hard... I ended up maintaining. FINALLY I decided to become accountable for what I put into my mouth and that's the only thing that has worked. Sugar is the enemy! I have found that high sugar days are the days where I feel terrible and the scale actually goes up. So, I really try to avoid things like cakes (even non fat), cereal bars, granola bars, pudding, etc..... Every time I eat I have protein first or mixed into what I am eating. And finally, I have started losing AND people are making comments. Not only am I finally losing but I am seeing some muscle tone and definition.

    Don't get frustrated.... It's been since June until this January that I've been dealing with my body not really looking different or changing. it wasn't until I started logging my food that I have made real changes in the way that I feel and look. You're here and doing great! You're making changes. And remember, you can't undo what took years to do over night. It takes time. It also takes time to learn how to adapt to your new life style. You will reach your goals!!!