WHEN do you exercise?

I'm being a little nosey & curious today! Just wondering when most of you do your exercise? Morning? At night? A few times a day?
Do you do it before or after eatting? I've heard so many different things about when it's the best time to exercise that I no longer know what is true and what isn't.
Some say that if you exercise before you eat then your body is still burning and your metabolism is up and others say doing it after eatting burns the food better.
I've heard doing it 3-5 times a week is healthy, but 7 isn't.... I prefer doing it 6-7 days, depending on the exercise!

So I'm just curious how often everyone exercises and when?


  • Ashia1317
    If I could get myself up every morning with no problem, I prefer AM - and on an empty stomach. And I feel better through the rest of my day.

    But normally I'm a 5pm-er, right after work. I'm usually sluggish and tired by then, but once I get myself going, I'm ok.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    Six days a week, usually a couple of hours after breakfast (around 10 a.m.). I am lucky that I work from home and have a pretty flexible schedule. I can't always work out exactly when I want to, but I usually can. :smile:
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    I workout in the evenings right after work. That's pretty much the only time I have to fit in my workouts so that's the only reason why I do it then. I usually have a very light snack about an hour before I hit the gym, otherwise I tend to burn out a lot faster and start to feel a little nauseous. I workout 5 days a week and give myself 2 off....for me I know I need my days off to recoup. I just do what feels best for me and that works perfectly for me. I'm sure there are studies one way or another on pretty much everything. But in the end after years of working out I've come to a good way of doing things that I know will work best for me. :smile:
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I mostly workout when I get up in the morning, 5-6 days a week. I have to eat something or I can't workout well. If I eat I can put more effort into my workout and therefore burn more calories. If I don't eat I am useless.

    Occasionally I will workout at lunch as my job has showers in the bathrooms. Especially if I need more sleep to repair from a hard workout.

    In the evening I try to do something active with my 3 year old. Sometimes we do yoga, dance or go to the playground. I don't enter this as exercise. I call it a buffer for things I don't remember to log.
  • rachefc
    I do it whenever it will fit in to be perfectly honest. I prefer the middle of the day but obviously with working it's normally the evening - sometimes quite late for when the gym has quietened down!!

    I always try and wait at least an hour after eating - more like two if I'm doing a heavy gym session.

    I like doing some exercise most days as long as it will fit in so I do a gym session a few days and swim on the others. You do need to give your muscles time to recover but I think if you mix the types of exercises up you're ok doing something most days - so just don't go doing a really heavy chest press every day or you will exhaust yourself!!

  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Mondays I work out either 5:30-7 or 7:30-9. Tuesdays, I do step aerobics at 6:15 then I try to get in 15-30 minutes of some more cardio after that. Wednesdays I do a stretch and tone class, then work out after. Thursdays, same as tuesdays, but the aerobics is an interval class. Because of my new job, Friday has become a skip day for me because the gym closes at 5 and I work until 5. Fortunately, I work in th same building as the gym, and work in the gym sometimes on Fridays so if I'm lucky or feeling it, I go before work or I get a friday shift, like this week, i do 10-2. Saturdays I go after lunch and I usually take sundays off!
  • maycullen
    I get up 30 minutes before I usually do 3 times a week, I roll out of bed put running kit on and pound the pavements for 30 minutes...shower and get ready in my usual time. It makes me feel good for the rest of the day and stops me wanting to snack mid morning. I do have to make sure I eat a decent healthy breakfast though!
  • LadyZen
    LadyZen Posts: 153 Member
    I get up at 5:20 M-F and workout for an hour. Saturdays are usually my days off, and on Sundays, I will sleep in and work out in the afternoon instead. I feel better working out in the morning during the week. That way, I can come home, get supper started, help kids with homework, or veg out a bit by reading or watching a little tv. I don't feel as stressed out to try to get everything in. Plus, it's only me in the morning...no one is up to bother me:wink:
  • NMorse1907
    NMorse1907 Posts: 90 Member
    I work out 6 days a week, usually 3 days in the morning and 3 days in the evening. I prefer to work out in the morning, but I have to work around my husbands work sechedule since the family area in the gym is always full! :0)
  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    I go right after work before I can get lazy!!!! :) I would love to do it in the morning, but that would require me waking up at about 5 and I haven't been motivated enough to make myself do that yet.....we will see.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I exercise right after work every day. It really depends on how hungry I am whether I eat before or after working out. I find that if I'm hungry and exercise before eating I get burnt out really fast and get dizzy.

    I just listen to my body - I don't think the eating before/after working out matters TOO much. Whatever works for you!

    I just got into a workout program where I workout 6 days a week, with one rest day. I agree that 7 days a week would be too much - the body has to rest and repair! :flowerforyou:
  • ractayjon
    My husband swears by the am exercise on an empty stomach thing. I tried it for a while and realized that I am NOT a morning person and no matter how much I thought the benefits would be it couldnt turn me into one. i started to dread going to bed at night because I didnt want to get up in the morning!
    It was then that I realized that I had to fit exercise into MY day not fme fitting EXERCISE into when I was supposed to. My ideal exercise is mid - morning...I have had breakfast (about 2 hours prior) and I have started my day. This works into my schedule most days. However, my second choice for exercisse is in the dinner time hours. I find that I will eat "dinner" about 4pm - head to the gym (6pmish) have a light snack afterwards and sleep like a baby.
    My point, I guess, is to eaach his own - whenever YOU want to do it, look forward to it and enjoy it,imo, is best!
  • Katgod318
    Katgod318 Posts: 70 Member
    Typically I work out Monday through Saturday from about 4:30a-5:30a or 6a, and then on Tuesdays I do Zumba from 7p-8p with a 30 minute warm up/stretch walk before the class so I don't hurt from it later. I don't eat before for a couple of reasons, one being that if I eat before I workout it makes me super nauseated, and the other being that my dr. has told me that working out before you eat burns fat you already have stored.

    On the days I work out I feel awesome the rest of the day, and have energy I wouldn't normally have. If I miss a morning work out, then I feel tired and sluggish the rest of the day. Each person is different. You have to play it by your schedule, your habits, and what you can physically do. A lot of people can't get up really early in the morning and therefore do better in the afternoons or evenings. I personally can't do a lot of evenings because I find myself completely energetic and wound up!!
  • BetterVersion
    I walk four miles in the mornings (when we're not in the middle of a blizzard! :grumble: ) and then I spend an hour six or seven nights per week exercising. I have to wait till my son goes to bed so I'm not usually done till 9:30 or so. I've asked my dietician about rest days and she doesn't really think they're too important. She suggested for me that I continue my walks every single day and if I think I want a "rest" day every now and again to simply cut out the night time exercise.

    All in all, I don't think any of it really makes much a difference, so long as you ARE exercising and eating healthily.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    I go on my lunch break and work out from 11:15-11:45, then I try to get back to the gym later that evening if the kids dont have an activity or try and ride the bike at home.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I do 3, 20-30 minute yoga sessions on weekday mornings. I also usually have 1 workout on a weekday night and 1 or 2 weekend afternoon workouts. My schedule is hectic and I often work late hours, so I work out when I can.

    I can't do yoga on an empty stomach--just makes me feel like I'm going to throw up, so I always do my yoga after breakfast. In the evenings, I usually have to eat after my workout (only because I prefer to eat my evening meals at home and don't like to stop to eat between work and the studio). Every person's body is different. You just have to find what works for your body... and your schedule, lol!
  • jwilliams66615
    Its mix and match for me. During the week I work out in the evening. When I'm not at work during the week, I work out in the morning. On the weekends I work out in the morning and sometimes twice a day on the weekends. For me I feel better working out in the morning rather than in the evening. I hope this is helpful.
  • sunshineshardz
    I'm a late night gal. For example, last night I worked out just after midnight. That's how it is when I work evenings. When I work days, I tend to work out once the kids are sleeping, so around 9. I don't think the time matters, just as long as you are getting a workout in. That's why I love the 24 hour gyms! lol And I work out in some form 7 days a week. Even if it's only a brisk walk with my dogs. :) Best of luck!!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I workout about 6 times a week and try to always workout in the morning. I like it best because then it's out of the way and I can move on with the other things I need to do. Over time, it seems for ME that I lose more weight if I workout on an empty stomach, but that obviously depends on the individual. Just listen to your own body and do what it tells you! :smile:
  • pianoteacherevan
    pianoteacherevan Posts: 55 Member
    My professional boxing trainer recommends I run 3 miles a day every morning (6 days a week) first thing when I wake up before breakfast.