number two issues

ractayjon Posts: 365
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Im apologizing in advance for the nature of this post - but I have to find out of imthe only one or if there are others with my problem. So - if you ever meet me in person dont remember this post and hold it against me :blushing:
I have a bowel movement once a week. It is always hard and very uncomfortable to pass. I am intaking morethen the "normal" fiber, I am drinking over 100 oz of water everyday and I eat ruffage and whole grains. I have always had this problem to a point. When I was in my 20-30's I had 2 bm's a week - but now it has changed to 1 and well...Im just wondering if this is ok. I mean I know it is ok in that Im not hurt by it, it isnt effecting my weightloss (although after I go Im usually a 1/2 - 1 pound down on the scale :laugh: ) but Im just wondering are there others out there - or am I a freak?


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The only problem I can see is that it's uncomfortable for you. Maybe try *less* fiber?

    I'm a rare goer as well, but it's more often than once a week and it's not uncomfortable for me. The amount is small (ugh, so tmi), and I'd say 3x a week is average for me. I take it to mean my body is able to efficiently process most of what I put in so I don't have a lot of extra waste.
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Have you ever tried the lemon water? It seems to do the trick for me. Hope you can find a solution.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Being regular is important for overall health. The definition of regular is usually once or twice a day. Think about what is sitting in your body for that amount of time if you don't go often. Full of bacteria and very unhealthy "waste" if it is sitting around too often can make you quite sick.

    I would try reducing the fiber slightly, and increase the amount of water, you can also try taking a table spoon of mineral oil, now and then, to help it pass.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Being regular is important for overall health. The definition of regular is usually once or twice a day.

    No. Everyone is different. What's "regular" for you won't be regular for someone else. If she weren't uncomfortable, I'd say there's nothing wrong with going only once a week.
  • mmccurrach
    mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
    For 20 years I've only had bm's once a week. One time I went a month without and that was horrible! When I started drinking coffee, I've been a bit more regular, every other day maybe. I've always wondered if there is a correlation to that and being overweight. How many thin people out there are not regular??
  • every since i stared eating better and working out i havnt been reg at all! frustrating. I was going more before weight loss!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    every since i stared eating better and working out i havnt been reg at all! frustrating. I was going more before weight loss!

    Do you actually feel constipated? Or are you just not going as often?

    I count not having to go as often as a BONUS! I'm sorry I keep responding to this thread, but I can't stress enough that "regular" is a hugely broad term from person to person.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    every since i stared eating better and working out i havnt been reg at all! frustrating. I was going more before weight loss!

    Do you actually feel constipated? Or are you just not going as often?

    I count not having to go as often as a BONUS! I'm sorry I keep responding to this thread, but I can't stress enough that "regular" is a hugely broad term from person to person.
    I beg to differ. Going once a week is outside the "normal" and could cause colon issues in the long run. I can see 3 times a week being somewhat OK. How many grams of fiber are you eating in a day? Should be a min. of 35. I'm more in the 40-60g personally thanks to my daily bowl of All-Bran.

    If I don't go every day, I get worried. :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I had those problems as a kid, and I see them in my own child. For me, there was pain involved so it was a big problem. Luckily I outgrew the issue. My morning coffee seems to do the trick for me now. My morning coffee includes a 1/2 cup of creamer. I often wonder if it's the mega-dose of fat I get when I drink it.

    I'd advise talking to your doctor about it, plain and simple. They know more about what "problem" that may be a sign of than most of us. They'd also know it it's simply not an issue. You may want a referral to a digestive specialist, if you want top notch answers on the matter. A digestive specialist would be able to better tell you if this is normal for YOUR body, or if there is something causing this problem.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I beg to differ.

    You should take a look at the links I posted earlier in this thread then.

    The reason I keep emphasizing "regularity" is such a broad term is that it's quite possible someone is going to see this thread and freak out because they only go 2-3 times a week, which can very well be perfectly healthy.

    Edit to say I agree with Phoenix. The "uncomfortable"ness is what would worry me -- not the going 1-2 times a week.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I had a laparoscopic cholecystectomy about this time last year. Even since then I've had problems too. Do you have a gall bladder? Some people experience a lot of trouble when they start dumping bile straight into the digestive tract constantly.

    For me, once or twice a week is normal, but I occasionally also have bouts of the opposite, so really anything goes here! I've been checked out a lot by assorted doctors and everybody agrees I'm a perfectly healthy infrequent pooper.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    infrequent pooper.

    I'll admit it --- this phrasing made me giggle :laugh:
  • every since i stared eating better and working out i havnt been reg at all! frustrating. I was going more before weight loss!

    Do you actually feel constipated? Or are you just not going as often?

    I count not having to go as often as a BONUS! I'm sorry I keep responding to this thread, but I can't stress enough that "regular" is a hugely broad term from person to person.

    Growing up (as a teen then in my 20's) I would go about every4 I got into my later 20's-30's I was going 2 times a week....after my children were born and now (early 40's) I go once a week.
    I do not feel constipated.
    Im not in pain - I just have a hard time going whn I do have to go.
  • I have also noticed - whenever this topic comes up - that men and women have different "normals" I wonder if there is a difference between men/women?
    I do have a dr appt in a few weeks..this is on my list of questions.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I use to be a once a weeker!!!!! A friend of mine at work told me that a doctor once told her to take aloe vera softgels. He said that it would take like 3-4 weeks to start working but then she would go once a day. So I started taking them and sure enough I go once a day most of the time. Sometimes I may skip a day. Aloe Vera helps with your digestive system.
  • Recently I had to go to my MD for issues. He stated it should be at least once a day and to increase fiber and fluid. And as a nurse on s surgical floor we get concerned on the third day after surgery (no matter what the surgery is).
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    There is certainly a wide range of "normal" - but every doctor that I have ever talked to has told me that at least once every other day is what to aim for. Unfortunately, I've had plenty opportunity to discuss this with several doctors. I have always had bowel issues and a few years ago my son was diagnosed with encropesis. At one point on vacation he was so backed up that he was throwing up. At the emergency room they weighed him, gave him fluids then gave him 6 bag enemas to clean him out. He lose 12 pounds in the course of a couple of hours. Chronic constipation (and it's constipation if it hurts) can cause major problems! When you remain constipated the nerves can actually stop sending messages to your brain that you have to go... which makes you more constipated. Sections of your bowel can actually atrophy and die because of constipation. This ALMOST happened to him. He had lost the ability to know when he needed to go and at 9 years old would poop his pants and have no idea that he had done so until it was too late... the poop that came out was kind of mushy (sorry) because it was only what could seep around the blockage.

    Here's what we did for him:
    Miralax - two to three times a day.
    Senna tea (there is actually tea out there called "Smooth Move" that has senna leaf in it
    Mandatory sits - twice a day he actually HAD to go sit on the toilet. He took a book, a video game - whatever... but he sat for 15 minutes or until he had "success"
    Drank a lot of water.
    Yogurt - he ate (and still does) eat a carton of Activia yogurt daily.

    I'm happy to say that after 2 years of this regimen - he's a normal pooper now. He goes mostly every day. We were able to drop the Miralax and the Senna tea. We never let it go more than 3 days though - we return to the Miralax if we need to. And I always have Senna tea on hand.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    You can also re shape the bottom of your colon. Its suppose to be a thin muscle. But if things get impacted it bowls out making it harder to push stuff out. Plus it makes it easier to collect. Sorry so graphic but I have the same issues and so does my daughter. I however have celiac so I dont get enough fiber.
    Miralax is the best IMO. The aloe is also good. You can take pills or buy Aloe juice (they sell it at Walmart and Trader Joes and lots other places). Caffeine plays a major role so if you cut it out or down it will stop you up. Digestive Dr says when you start to eat healthy or change your diet you need to 1. Eat SLOWER 2. Eat smaller portions (if possible throughout the day) 3. Drink small amounts during meals (but you have to watch that. b/c that can lead to heartburn in some people). You can also try OTC colon cleanses a few times a month or more or less.
    You also need to "try" like the PP said. What can happen is that you learn to hold it. If you just try a few times per day it can help. If you can maybe 45-1 hr after eating or working out really hard.
    Good luck! Your right about weight though. Its amazing how much you would be down if you went regularly!
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    There is certainly a wide range of "normal" - but every doctor that I have ever talked to has told me that at least once every other day is what to aim for. Unfortunately, I've had plenty opportunity to discuss this with several doctors. I have always had bowel issues and a few years ago my son was diagnosed with encropesis. At one point on vacation he was so backed up that he was throwing up. At the emergency room they weighed him, gave him fluids then gave him 6 bag enemas to clean him out. He lose 12 pounds in the course of a couple of hours. Chronic constipation (and it's constipation if it hurts) can cause major problems! When you remain constipated the nerves can actually stop sending messages to your brain that you have to go... which makes you more constipated. Sections of your bowel can actually atrophy and die because of constipation. This ALMOST happened to him. He had lost the ability to know when he needed to go and at 9 years old would poop his pants and have no idea that he had done so until it was too late... the poop that came out was kind of mushy (sorry) because it was only what could seep around the blockage.

    Here's what we did for him:
    Miralax - two to three times a day.
    Senna tea (there is actually tea out there called "Smooth Move" that has senna leaf in it
    Mandatory sits - twice a day he actually HAD to go sit on the toilet. He took a book, a video game - whatever... but he sat for 15 minutes or until he had "success"
    Drank a lot of water.
    Yogurt - he ate (and still does) eat a carton of Activia yogurt daily.

    I'm happy to say that after 2 years of this regimen - he's a normal pooper now. He goes mostly every day. We were able to drop the Miralax and the Senna tea. We never let it go more than 3 days though - we return to the Miralax if we need to. And I always have Senna tea on hand.

    My son is 9 and has had chronic constipation since he was an infant. He is still having alot of the problems you mentioned above. Especially the accidents in his pants. He gets very gasy and that causes accidents from being constipated. We are actually going for his check up Wed. so I'm going to talk to his doc anyways, but I'm glad you mentioned this. We try to keep track, and I give him a fiber tab once a day. I also have the miralax for back up.

    To the OP I'm a nurse in a nursing home and we want our residents to have a bowel movement atleast every 3 days. So that's the rule I always use for my son and anyone else in my family who might be feeling constipated. I would def. talk to your doctor if it continues. When I was having probems for awhile I realized I had jumped up my fiber intake greatly, so i stepped it back and gradually built it back up.
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    There is certainly a wide range of "normal" - but every doctor that I have ever talked to has told me that at least once every other day is what to aim for. Unfortunately, I've had plenty opportunity to discuss this with several doctors. I have always had bowel issues and a few years ago my son was diagnosed with encropesis. At one point on vacation he was so backed up that he was throwing up. At the emergency room they weighed him, gave him fluids then gave him 6 bag enemas to clean him out. He lose 12 pounds in the course of a couple of hours. Chronic constipation (and it's constipation if it hurts) can cause major problems! When you remain constipated the nerves can actually stop sending messages to your brain that you have to go... which makes you more constipated. Sections of your bowel can actually atrophy and die because of constipation. This ALMOST happened to him. He had lost the ability to know when he needed to go and at 9 years old would poop his pants and have no idea that he had done so until it was too late... the poop that came out was kind of mushy (sorry) because it was only what could seep around the blockage.

    Here's what we did for him:
    Miralax - two to three times a day.
    Senna tea (there is actually tea out there called "Smooth Move" that has senna leaf in it
    Mandatory sits - twice a day he actually HAD to go sit on the toilet. He took a book, a video game - whatever... but he sat for 15 minutes or until he had "success"
    Drank a lot of water.
    Yogurt - he ate (and still does) eat a carton of Activia yogurt daily.

    I'm happy to say that after 2 years of this regimen - he's a normal pooper now. He goes mostly every day. We were able to drop the Miralax and the Senna tea. We never let it go more than 3 days though - we return to the Miralax if we need to. And I always have Senna tea on hand.

    My son is 9 and has had chronic constipation since he was an infant. He is still having alot of the problems you mentioned above. Especially the accidents in his pants. He gets very gasy and that causes accidents from being constipated. We are actually going for his check up Wed. so I'm going to talk to his doc anyways, but I'm glad you mentioned this. We try to keep track, and I give him a fiber tab once a day. I also have the miralax for back up.

    To the OP I'm a nurse in a nursing home and we want our residents to have a bowel movement atleast every 3 days. So that's the rule I always use for my son and anyone else in my family who might be feeling constipated. I would def. talk to your doctor if it continues. When I was having probems for awhile I realized I had jumped up my fiber intake greatly, so i stepped it back and gradually built it back up.
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