

  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    We are going to Disney World in March! We have been to Disney a few times before and I always maintained my weight, but this was with eating EVERYTHING I wanted. This time I am going to try to be a little bit more conscious of what I eat and I will probably lose weight. Disney has a lot of healthy opinions, even in their fast food places. They have fruit stands that you can go to instead of ice cream too. One of my favorite snacks is the Dole Whip in Adventureland in the Magic Kingdom. It is really yummy and about 175 calories I believe. Disney does allow you to bring your own food into the park, so I would pack granola bars and such to snack on as well. You will be doing a LOT of walking, so you should be able to eat a lot more than you normally do. I found this article: http://www.disneyfoodblog.com/2010/02/04/eating-healthy-in-walt-disney-world/ and they have a lot of good info. If you just google WDW nutrition or losing weight while in WDW, a bunch of sites come up and you can find out the calories count of some items and tips.
  • loril13
    loril13 Posts: 320 Member
    We go to WDW during the Epcot Food & Wine Festival with the intent to literally eat and drink my way around the world. But a Disney trip is endless walking, walking, walking. You're burning off as much as you are eating. This past November, I came home a pound lighter than when I left.
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in July and I'm curious about the same thing... Food is available 24/7 and I need to know tips! :-S

    On the cruises *I've been on a couple* the ice cream is 24/7, so is the pizza, then the midnight buffetts and the chocolate buffetts then by the time I eat so much during the day I am not even hungry in the dining room at night but eat just because the food is 5 star and pretty and interesting! LUCKY ME THO...I don't really care for pizza but my husband and I always hit the ice cream machine after the late night shows! They always have chocolate/strawberry swirl! YUMMMM! But this is the first vaca I've been on the I decided I want to try to be a little more concious. Which, I am a fast loser and have high metabolism but I believe I just want to send myself a challenge this time to prove I can do it! When I was at Disney World this past May I was shocked at how much I ate and how little I gained and yes you are on the go every day all day =)
  • mhaight85
    I was just at Disney World the week before Christmas. We ordered groceries and had them delivered to our resort, mostly because food is so freaking expensive at the parks and hotel. There was a small fridge and microwave in the room, and the housekeeping staff kept us stocked up with paper plates, bowls, and plastic utensils. Worked out pretty well. We still ate out usually one meal a day but had lots of healthy foods ready to eat while in the hotel and snacks to take to the parks. Definitely recommend looking into this!! I just did a google search for grocery delivery in Orlando and found several to choose from. We did so much walking at the parks, and swimming at the hotel that I didn't gain any weight. :O)

    Have fun!!
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    It's just with DW there is nothing healthy there and I will be eating the food at least 2 times a day and snacks. TIPS PLEASE!!! Thanks friends!

    There are lots of healthier choices available at DW! I say go with kids meals. I know they had an apple/grapes, cheese and yogurt tray for kids. Much cheaper and a great snack.

    Plus, who says you have to eat there 2xs per day and have snacks, too? You can pack your own lower calorie choices if you really feel that there isn't enough available to you. Or, just don't eat as often. Whenever I go on vacation I tend to lose weight because we tend to do only 2 bigger meals a day and maybe have a snack or two. Usually have very little for breakfast, maybe some fruit or a granola bar, then do a large lunch, then nothing until we have a large dinner. Or, we do a large breakfast, maybe a small afternoon snack, then a larger dinner. This allows me to indulge in the foods I want to eat without having to worry too much about calories.
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm going on a cruise in July and I'm curious about the same thing... Food is available 24/7 and I need to know tips! :-S

    For cruising my tips are to not snack alot, don't drink too much, and enjoy the dining room if you like good food. When we cruise, we rarely hit the buffets, except maybe for a light breakfast. I find having sit down meals to be so much more enjoyable, plus to food tends to be better. Plus, the portions tend to actually be quite reasonable when you eat lunch and dinner in the dining room. Eat until you are satisfied and don't have a lot of snacks throughout the day. You can also check out what options are available on the buffets and in the other eating areas. I know our cruise ship has a sushi buffet, which could be another good choice for you if you like that type of thing. Stay active and have fun and you should be fine. Granted, I'm not a big drinker and don't care for a lot of frou-frou drinks, so if you plan to imbibe a lot, I'd recommend hitting the gym, too.
  • pinkkerryk
    pinkkerryk Posts: 1
    On another board someone posted that you should not eat the first thing that comes to mind. Usually the second food/thought will be healthier and better for you.

    Hopefully this would help with comfortable steak and potatoes options (yum) vs the shrimp and quinoa options (still yum and though it sounds less comforting, it isn't).
  • AnyaDee
    AnyaDee Posts: 19
    EX Cast Member here (Magic Kingdom)
    The average WDW guest walks about 5-7 miles a day. Take your own food for at least one meal (save money) and eat your Disney meal at lunch so you have time to walk it off before the heat gets to you. You can take in a cooler and some guests rent a stroller so they just have to push it around if it doesn't have wheels. Make sure all liquids/bottle waters are sealed so they pass security. Universal doesn't have this policy, they won't let you take in anything, btw.

    Only drink water on your trip because it is just too hot to have a sugary drink. Plus, I read somewhere (not sure if true) that if you give up one soda a day for a year, you will lose 16 pounds.
    As a College Program CM, I ate anything I wanted and lost some weight because I walked through my attractions many times. But I wasn't standing in lines, I was walking non stop at a quick pace for 6-8 hour days (sometimes a lot, lot longer).

    I never went to 'Ohana (Buffet) but I was told to spend all of my calories there because the food was really good. So don't be too strict!
    Best tip? Find your weight, divide it by 2 and that's how many OUNCES of water you should drink a day. It keeps you really full but keep an eye out for bathrooms.
    If you are there for a long time, pick a cheat day so you don't have to carry a lunch and just enjoy yourself.
    I like to do jumping jacks (at least a 120 a day) when on a road trip because I get restless. Or take a jump rope and jump for 5 minutes before you set out for the parks.