Got about 50 pounds to lose...

I've been on here for a long time, and I feel like I've written an intro a lot after falling off the wagon....

Basically...I got fat. And then I was like...this sucks, something is wrong with me.

Blood tests later, I found that the issues I have are pretty much because I've gotten fat. So...I'm baking my last batch of cookies and will be a typical "new year" person. Back on the bandwagon...back on watching what I eat and exercising... Sigh.

Hello. My name is Jeannette and I'm a lazy foodaholic.


  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    Hey Jeannette! Welcome *back* to MFP... let's get this going together!! Feel free to add me :)
  • Emma_GetFit
    I've got 72lbs to loose, getting married next November :)
  • jafski
    jafski Posts: 11
    Sucks to hear but hey, at least you're doing the right thing by getting back on track. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • buudharich
    I'm a guy. Decided I was going to start losing last February. I lost the first 30 through diet alone and lost the last 20 with the help of some exercise. I got about another 20 to lose and then the US Navy will let me in to be a Chaplain. Good luck, you can do it. :-)
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306

    One thing I have learned for sure is that you have to eat right and exercise EVERY DAY. Every once in a while it's ok to go a little over board on an occasional weekend.....and you can definitely indulge on your Birthday, Christmas and Thanksgiving.....but plan on keeping it in line all the rest of the days of the year. Since I have been doing this over the past 3 years, I have lost all of my weight (and then some) and I haven't gained any over the holidays. It's a totally different way to think about your every day eating. It's not exactly as fun as sitting down and eating ice cream and pizza every day, but it works and gets you to the weight you want to be. And you will actually feel better too. Good luck!
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Thank you!