Work Wellness program

Hi there, my work has put me in charge of putting together a Wellness program for my office. I have a few ideas to get started and a couple challenges BUT I need to help!!! I don't want to make it 100% about weight loss. There are several people that I work with that don't need to lose weight. I am thnking about putting together a wellness board in our kitchen with upcoming events, a weekly menu with breakfast, lunch, and snack ideas based on the food that we provide (I go shopping every Monday for food for the whole office). I am also going to put together a Monthly wellness flyer. I want to get everyone water bottles and pedometers. What else can I do???? I need so help fast. This came to me today and they want to start it the 1st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Since ours is supported by HR and the Health Insurance company (as it is a Nurse from the Insurance company that runs it) we have a cash incentive... But it's a points based system where we get points for getting our yearlies (medical, dental and optical), for having healthy numbers (blood pressure, cholesterol, A1C)... for not smoking, for being a certian weight.... points are given if we change our habits (proof is shown by not smoking, losing weight or bettering our numbers)... We also get points for using trackers for 8 weeks, taking quizzes, exercising 12x a month, going to our local rec centers... and the points lead to cash prizes which are based on point tiers.

    Just an example of what our work place does.