Help!! My hair



  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Thanks guys for all the answers. I really didn't think I was on a low carb high protein diet just only what mfp gave me. I did lower my carbs some. It was allowing me 165 gr a day then I pushed it down a little lower. That has been the only change. I will check into the prenatals and I go and see my doctor in march so I will ask. Thanks. Will let you know.

    A low carb diet is something like under 50grams of carbs a day. I think not eating enough calories could be your problem.
  • oomalmal
    oomalmal Posts: 219 Member
    I'm not sure if someone already mentioned this but make sure your getting enough healthy fats in your diet. My first 20 lbs or so I was losing my hair and couldn't figure out why. I now know that my diet was nearly free of fat at first. Now I make sure to eat good fats, like olive oil, almonds, sunflower nuts etc. I won't use fat free salad dressings I'll use low fat stuff instead. Since then my hair has been great. My nails are brittle but that's always been me and I have to wash my hands alot as a nurse.
  • FormerJerseygirl
    FormerJerseygirl Posts: 42 Member
    Where can I get prenatal vitamins?
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I seem to be experiencing more hair loss as well. I'd say mention it to your doctor, and he/she can run a blood panel for you- ask him/her to check your hormone levels as well.
  • hhallett10
    Unless your hair is really oily I would go with the scalp therapy shampoo, I would also get the weekly treatment, I can't remember what it is called for sure. Alot of times you can find it cheaper online, but be careful because unless you are buying it in a salon or supply house the product may be diluted or not even the right stuff.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Are you doing a low-carb diet? This is an unfortunate side effect of many low-carb, high-protein diets like Atkins.

    Hair loss can occur with any change to your eating that your body is used to. It will slow down or stop when your body is adjusted.

    Hair loss also indicates a biotin deficiency.

    Actually hair loss occurs more with low fat, low protein eating plans than with low carb, high protein eating plans as sufficient protein is needed for hair, nails and skin to be healthy.

    Please don't make inaccurate statements regarding another eating plan that is different than yours. Low carb eating is more healthy than most of the people on this site. Atkins touts eating all natural, organic is you can meats and green leafy vegetables to start and then adding in higher carb veggies, fruits, nuts, some starches and dairy as you progress through the carb ladder.