New Motivator: Coffee Account!

Hello my name is Cat, and I'm a coffee addict! LOL... But not just ANY coffee... it has to be sugared up, caloried up, expensive coffee! Or as an old professor of mine once called it "Fuzzy Coffee". :)

So I had an idea. Every time I'm tempted to stop by the coffee stand and get my caloric cup o' joe and I instead decide to drive right by, I'm going to pay myself $5. (Figuring I spend $4-5 everytime I buy one.) I set up a special savings account (I work at a financial institution so it's convenient) and I will make the deposit, or transfer money to the account online every time I'm sucessful.

I'm hoping the visual motivation (of seeing the account grow) and the realization of the calories I'm saving will help me kick this habbit... or curtail it severly at least. A benefit too, if I take the amount deposited and divide it by 2 that's I can get an approximate idea of the calories I'm saving as well (i.e. $5 = 250). I figure every coffee is between 200-300 calories... YIKES!

So, we'll see if this actually works for me. I figure if cutting the calories isn't enough of a motivator, see how much I'm saving on on not having this junk might! :)

Just thought I'd share and see if any of you have come up with any unique ideas to motivate you off a bad health habbit.


  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    That's cute. I make my coffee at home now or just regular coffee from DD. I used to get very high calorie coffee beverages.
  • That's an awesome idea!!! I might have to steal it, for my Frap and Mt Dew addiction!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Fabulous idea! You'll also probably be shocked at just how much you were spending. If you buy just one a day Monday-Friday, that's 23 days in January for $115!
  • Great idea! But if you want to really be serious about it you should have a punishment, like if you give in and buy one of those coffees you have to leave a 5$ tip, or take 20$ from your coffee savings account and donate it. But whatever you do, good luck and I hope you save lots of money and calories!
  • Cat1094
    Cat1094 Posts: 11 Member
    ...if you want to really be serious about it you should have a punishment, like if you give in and buy one of those coffees you have to leave a 5$ tip, or take 20$ from your coffee savings account and donate it.

    OUCH! Good idea... painful, but good! :)
  • Ah! Not ordering everything on coffee is one of the hardest things for me.... :) Never take sugar, but dumping flavoured coffee is hard. I make a lot at home now, and have switched to decaff at work from our free machine!

    Particularly at Christmas- Costa and gingerbread coffee? Genius!