Unrealistic expectations?



  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    *double post*
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Hip bones get bigger after pregnancy? First time I've ever heard that story. :huh:

    Not to sound mean or anything, but anybody that says they can't go back to their pre-pregnancy size & weight are just not willing to put the work into it. I know plenty of moms (non-celebrity) that have done it. One those is my cousin which is 30 yo, and this is a pic of her 8 months after her 2nd child:

    Right after 2nd birth: http://svfitnessnutrition.com/images/clients/vachon/me adam n sara.jpg
    8 months later: http://svfitnessnutrition.com/images/clients/vachon/P1050915.JPG

    How did she do it? A lot of hard work, & good nutrition. Bottom line, anything is possible.
    Dude,,, this is why women hate us sometimes... :wink:

    My wife's body absolutely changed after 2 pregnancies. Is it possible for (just about) any woman to get back to (just about) where they were at the age of 17,,, probably, mostly. Is it realistically attainable or even necessary for most women? I don't know, I'm not a woman.

    The lady in the pics is most impressive, but you left out some stuff. Hard work, yes, good nutrition,,, yeah, that too. You left out a supportive environment, quickness of action, youth, exceptional genetics, etc.etc.etc. Most women can't do that, and they're not all just "lazy".

    We can all get better, but not everybody can get back to where they were in high school. I'm a little reluctant to toss out a blanket statement calling 40%+ of humanity lazy.

    Casper you're a hero to women everywhere. I was planning to responding to this guys comment-but decided against it due to the fact that Mike would probably kick me off the site.
    I weigh less than I did before becoming pregnant. I have excess skin and strechmarks that will never go away without surgery. My abs split (yes that can happen)-the only way they can be fixed is to have them sewn back together (not something I'm worried about). I'm in great shape (I have a 19-20% body fat) but there is nothing I can do to get my belly back (and yes...I'm young-25 last month, I was 18 when I had my daughter-it's been six years and I have tried my hardest to get my bikini body back-I will forever wear a one piece due to the excess skin). Here's to Casper-:drinker:

    I concur :drinker: here's to you Casper!
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Hip bones get bigger after pregnancy? First time I've ever heard that story. :huh:

    Not to sound mean or anything, but anybody that says they can't go back to their pre-pregnancy size & weight are just not willing to put the work into it. I know plenty of moms (non-celebrity) that have done it. One those is my cousin which is 30 yo, and this is a pic of her 8 months after her 2nd child:

    Right after 2nd birth: http://svfitnessnutrition.com/images/clients/vachon/me adam n sara.jpg
    8 months later: http://svfitnessnutrition.com/images/clients/vachon/P1050915.JPG

    How did she do it? A lot of hard work, & good nutrition. Bottom line, anything is possible.
    Dude,,, this is why women hate us sometimes... :wink:

    My wife's body absolutely changed after 2 pregnancies. Is it possible for (just about) any woman to get back to (just about) where they were at the age of 17,,, probably, mostly. Is it realistically attainable or even necessary for most women? I don't know, I'm not a woman.

    The lady in the pics is most impressive, but you left out some stuff. Hard work, yes, good nutrition,,, yeah, that too. You left out a supportive environment, quickness of action, youth, exceptional genetics, etc.etc.etc. Most women can't do that, and they're not all just "lazy".

    We can all get better, but not everybody can get back to where they were in high school. I'm a little reluctant to toss out a blanket statement calling 40%+ of humanity lazy.

    Casper, you always make SO much sense, your wifey is a lucky woman!! Yes, those things make such a difference......

    While a "goal weight" is definitely a figure in my head, like so many of the posters above, that's a "negotiable" number for me. If I feel good, and feel like I look the way I want to look, THAT is what will be important to me. I may go higher or lower than that magic number.... it all depends! :smile:
  • Dont focus on the number. Focus on how you look and feel. Our bodies have a way of deciding which weight is best for us. Plus, set small goals and go for those. I have learned it makes life much easier seeing smaller numbers to shoot for then a HUGE one!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    wow Mari... you're my new hero! I have no clue how you came up with all that but I need to get that test done and send you my info so you can figure out my numbers for me!

    Please do! I'd be happy to calculate it for you. :bigsmile:

    Eeep, i see an error in my calculations. let me fix it because I'm OCD.

    x / (147 + x) = 20/100

    x * 100 = (147 + x) * 20
    100x = 2940 + 20x
    80x = 2940
    x = 36.25

    147 + 36.25 = 183.25 lbs goal weight.
  • Jenna1972
    Jenna1972 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you! I just did my calculation and feel that that is more realistic. It also matches what my fitness trainer suggested as a realistic long term goal. When I get there, we will redo the Omron test, and see how close I really am, than adjust accordingly. Too many people lose muscle when they lose weight. I don't want to be one of them, or I will be hungry and miserable all the time.
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