21 Day Daniel Fast to kick off the New Year?!



  • LoseYouself
    LoseYouself Posts: 249 Member
    For the past two years I have started the new year with a 21 day Daniel Fast.

    What is a Daniel Fast? The Daniel Fast is a biblically based partial fast. It is a method of fasting that men, women and young people all over the world are using as they enter into the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting.

    The quick version is: No Meats, No Sweets...but it is a bit more restrictive than that. It boils down to a diet consisting of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, and natural grains (oats, whole wheat flour, etc).

    I enjoy this fast not only for the physical/nutritional benefits, but for the awesome spiritual benefits. It is a great way to reconnect with God and get a refreshing of His Spirit for the New Year.

    I just wanted to extend the opportunity to all of you and maybe have some fun recipe swapping, sharing what God reveals to us, and encouraging each other daily.

    I am starting the fast on January 2nd, so let me know if you want to take this journey with me! :)

    I'd like to do this soon. I remember doing this once with my church in my teens. Even though I'm now vegan and already don't eat meat, dairy, or eggs, it interests me. Alll I'd have to do is cut out any processed foods or sugar and added salt and I'm there. That shouldn't be too hard. I can't start it right now, but in the near future I'd love to.
  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    My mother is doing the Daniel Fast! I'm not doing the Daniel Fast but I have only eaten fruits and veggies since the first. I have not felt this good in a long time. I believe its the lack of gluten in my diet. I also eat edamame which is a great source of protein.
  • 87BetterMe
    87BetterMe Posts: 2 Member
    We start today!
  • westonhive
    westonhive Posts: 56 Member
    My church does this every year..we just started so I am on day 2 of getting closer to God. Last night we had veggie chili, this morning we had ezekial bread and sauteed onions and potatoes. Tonight for dinner is crowder pea and potato soup. Yummy!
  • EstiloPanama
    I'm starting the Daniel Fast today..my church has started today , and it's not perfect. In fact, I messed up this morning completely, but I think on the Daniel Fast, I will avoid smoothie's and have only water..since in the scripture it mentioned 'drink only water'. My fiance and I were talking about this, and we decided that it's based on resisting temptation and letting the spirit lead. A huge temptation would be something yummy as a drink, so I will definitely stick to water. When he comes home from work, we are going to pray about this and do this right...thanks for the topic. I am definitely in..
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    I do not stress over protein. There is protein in almost every veggie that you eat. Not a ton, but when all you eat is fruits and veggies and nuts all day, it adds up. I have been doing this for 10 months, and my doctor is thrilled with my lab results!
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    I have been doing this fast for like 3 years now too. Am more restictive this time around, am going all protein during this time. Fasting at the begining of the year is second nature to me now and I love how it makes me grow spiritually and gives me time of closeness with God. I also do it every first 3 days of each month and 14 days in July. Today is day 3 of 21 for me. Remain blessed.
  • KabbyGU
    KabbyGU Posts: 158 Member
    Well today is the last day of the fast (if you started on the 1st)- how has God changed your life so far this year? :)
  • farmgirl
    Hi I just started looking up Daniel Fast and seen it was on my fitness pal also. I am on day 6 of the 21 days. I have done well, so far. I have lost 7 lbs so far. My church was to do it for a week with the New Year starting, but I have decided to do the 21 days for myself. I really struggled with the 21 Day Daniel Fast and the feeling of losing weight and being happy about it. I did not want my weight loss to be more than looking to God for His direction.

    I then believe God is using the Daniel Fast as a way to help me gain insight into myself about regaining focus and seeking His strength to help me grow closer to Him.

    So ...... How much did everyone else lose on the Daniel Fast during the 21 days??
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    What's great? Why did you revive this dead and irrelevant thread?