Hamstring Curl Alternatives

Hi all,

I have very tight hamstrings and calves which means I struggle when trying to do lying / kneeling hamstring curls, I get burning cramp in my calf with it on the lowest weight after about 5 reps so bad it makes my leg spasm. I have tried curling with my toes pointed out and in and stretching out before attempting them but it doesn't seem to make much difference, any suggestions on how I can either stretch out enough to do 3 sets at a decent rep or an alternative to it?

(should have said leg day currently consists of box squats, squats, lunges, leg press and weighted hip thrusts/bridges)

Thanks :)


  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Work on foam rolling and staying hydrated. They shouldnt be cramping up from hamstring curls.

    Stiff legged deads are a good hamstring movement you could try, they're also going to stretch the hell out of your hamstrings and glutes. Might fix the problem, or might feel awful haha
  • I would recommend that you try a stretching program first, by trying to "lift around" the problem you will just make it worse.

    Do a search for hamstring/calf streches and see if you can improve your flexibility over a few weeks. I suffered from very tight hamstrings and am gradually getting more and more flexible by adding stretches after each run/strength session.
  • pullem
    pullem Posts: 87 Member
    thanks guys
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    Yep, a good long-term stretching routine, and straight-leg dead-lifts.