WW and starvation mode? (sorry, long!!)



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    :laugh: Toots: Yes, I did decrease my points as I went along. Totally get where you're coming from though, that is the most obvious question!

    Interesting to hear about your experience with WW versus MFP. Do you get a lot of activity? I feel like that might be what is really throwing me. I just have no idea how to eat like 'an active person' never mind 'an active person who wants to lose weight'!

    I go to the gym at least 5-6 times a week, at least an hour each day. I am currently at a plateau myself, and having never heard of that wendie Plan before, I read through it. I think I'm going to give that a try...can't hurt, right? She said "What about exercise points? What about them? I never use them." I really don't either...I'm sure some people will b*tch at me about that, but that's what was working for me. When I went back on WW after plateauing all summer, I did also start running, which I'm sure helped the pounds come off. So I'm going to try this Wendie Program and try a different cardio routine...maybe that'll kickstart things back on track.

    Maybe it's not how much you're eating, but what you're eating?
  • acakeforawife
    Yes, the Wendie plan does have some sensible logic behind it (at least it seems to!) I've also had some success doing a simplified version of that 'points confusion' thing: you just divide your flex points in three, and eat them every second day.
    So if your week starts on Monday:

    Monday: eat your points exactly
    Tuesday: eat your points + 10-12 Flex points
    Wednesday: eat your points exactly
    Thursday: eat your points + 10-12 Flex points
    Friday: eat your points exactly
    Saturday: eat your points + 10-12 Flex points
    Sunday: eat your points exactly

    Seems to be a nice little trick, and simpler to remember than the Wendie plan!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So do you think that when her plan says one day eat very high points, the next eat very low points...do you think the 'very low' points is not a good idea? Maybe I'll try what you suggested instead, I'm not crazy about the idea of going under my points, like her plan suggested.

    It's weird, it's so hard to get yourself in the frame of mind of eating extra points, or eating exercise calories...I know why we do that, but it's like I can't wrap my head around it...my mind doesn't want to do it. :laugh:
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223

    I feel like that might be what is really how much you're eating, but what you're eating?

    this is i agree with whole heartedly. you can eat 1200 calories worth of poor quality foods or 1200 calories of healthy whole foods. #1 you feel better eating the good foods, #2 you will not be near as hungry, #3 you body needs good fuel to increase exercise and maintain metobolism. i really try to avoid sugar and white flours, rice and pastas-they really make me crave more sugar and carbs, i feel so much hungrier if i eat any of those products.

    i have done weight watchers in combination with MFP and clean eating. i am now a lifetime memebr of WW and like to go to weigh in to keep me honest. i continue to be a clean eater ( i strive for 90% clean eating) and track my food choices here on MFP. good luck with your weight loss!!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Does anyone here know how often you should be upping the intensity of your workout? I'd like a rough estimate to start setting up some goals.
    When what you are doing starts to feel easy. :happy:
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    Does anyone here know how often you should be upping the intensity of your workout? I'd like a rough estimate to start setting up some goals.
    When what you are doing starts to feel easy. :happy:

    when you are not sweating and short of breath!!