Can anyone tell me about these fitbit things?

I have heard a few people mentioning them lately. I have googled but I am still confused. Are they any good or are they just an expensive pedometer. They do sound interesting though.


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    There are loads of posts on this. Do a search. They are good for activity involving stepping. Some people use them for general activity and also use a HRM for cardio e excise synch is cycling.

    Also,search for other alternatives;

    Bodymedia Fit, STRIIV ( the Play, SmRt Pedometer and app on,y), Jawbone Up, and Nike Fuelband. There is also the new Basis. Nothing is perfect, it depends how important the following are to you- accuracy, ease of wearing, what activity you do and if you want games and challenges for motivation.