It Works! Products



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It must work, it says it does right in the name!

    Tautological weight loss aids are very tautological.

    This is a family friendly website. Please keep your kink to yourself
  • lindseymaekeller
    It's definitely a short term fix. It'll cut water weight if you have some kind of event to look fabulous for, but definitely wont last longer than two days or so.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Just use saran wrap and save a lot of money.

    This made me laugh
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    My only advice and this is coming from someone that was home bound for over 2 years cause I could not support my own weight is Diet and Exercise.... Sounds simple but I will be the first to tell you it is far from it and will take alot of hard work and dedication and you will have your ups and downs but if you stick to the plan put in the work eventually it will pay off but it never truly ends. This is a lifestyle change and nothing short of that until you commit to that you will do the yo yo thing for years and years..... Don't waste your money on fads buckle down and to steal a line from Nike.... "Just Do It!!" Best of Luck!!!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Yeah, you guys are right. I'll stick with the exercise and eating right and get *actual* results, not wasting money.

    Not that I was gonna stop the diet and exercise! Hell no! Just was wondering if it would suppliment it. But really not necessary.

    Actually yeah I think it would supplement regular exercise. Maybe not 'It Works!' but body wraps usually cleanse the hell out of your skin. I hear cleansing helps your body run more efficiently so yeah it's possible it could improve workouts a tiny bit.

    Cleanses do nothing your body does not already do. And wrapping something around your body will do even less.

    Ancient cultures cleansed. Like the Greeks. And to be honest there isn't really enough research to support either way. So I'm still going with it could help a little bit.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yeah, you guys are right. I'll stick with the exercise and eating right and get *actual* results, not wasting money.

    Not that I was gonna stop the diet and exercise! Hell no! Just was wondering if it would suppliment it. But really not necessary.

    Actually yeah I think it would supplement regular exercise. Maybe not 'It Works!' but body wraps usually cleanse the hell out of your skin. I hear cleansing helps your body run more efficiently so yeah it's possible it could improve workouts a tiny bit.

    Cleanses do nothing your body does not already do. And wrapping something around your body will do even less.

    Ancient cultures cleansed. Like the Greeks. And to be honest there isn't really enough research to support either way. So I'm still going with it could help a little bit.

    Read this:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Yeah, you guys are right. I'll stick with the exercise and eating right and get *actual* results, not wasting money.

    Not that I was gonna stop the diet and exercise! Hell no! Just was wondering if it would suppliment it. But really not necessary.

    Actually yeah I think it would supplement regular exercise. Maybe not 'It Works!' but body wraps usually cleanse the hell out of your skin. I hear cleansing helps your body run more efficiently so yeah it's possible it could improve workouts a tiny bit.

    Cleanses do nothing your body does not already do. And wrapping something around your body will do even less.

    Ancient cultures cleansed. Like the Greeks. And to be honest there isn't really enough research to support either way. So I'm still going with it could help a little bit.

    Solid reasoning.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I prefer hefty bags and duct tape myself.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Just use saran wrap and save a lot of money.

    Or garbage bags!!

    edit: mmapags beat me to it.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yeah, you guys are right. I'll stick with the exercise and eating right and get *actual* results, not wasting money.

    Not that I was gonna stop the diet and exercise! Hell no! Just was wondering if it would suppliment it. But really not necessary.

    Actually yeah I think it would supplement regular exercise. Maybe not 'It Works!' but body wraps usually cleanse the hell out of your skin. I hear cleansing helps your body run more efficiently so yeah it's possible it could improve workouts a tiny bit.

    Cleanses do nothing your body does not already do. And wrapping something around your body will do even less.

    Ancient cultures cleansed. Like the Greeks. And to be honest there isn't really enough research to support either way. So I'm still going with it could help a little bit.

    They also cut their wine with water because they believed, and rightly so, that pure Akatron would lead to madness - it's likely that a wine (the boiled type) would be prepared in lead vessels.
    They practice trepanning, or drilling holes to relive pressure in the head.
    They practiced abortion with belladonna.
    The Greeks wrote that the world was flat and diseases were caught by smell.
    They believed in alchemy.

    Shall we go on?
  • rodeogal1985
    They do not work.
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    First off, all you guys are great and I'm so glad I joined this site! It rocks!
    Are you looking to tone? Because if so skip the pricey wraps that and do pilates. For me, that has been a great shaping exercise. I've lost around 6-7 inches off my waist and about 3 inches off my hips in the 4-5 months I've been doing it and pilates doesn't cost you anything but the time you spend doing them.

    Yes, definitely looking to tone up, especially in the stomach area, and for this reason I have been very interested in starting a pilates routine! What do you use for it? DVDs? My roommate says if I get some pilates DVDs she'll do them with me.
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member

    The only thing that works long term

  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    I have tried Body wraps..Not from this company,but one that I made at home...

    It DID WORK!!! not for weight loss and not long term,,,I used to do them before I went out in a tight dress..It was kinda like Spanks or a Girdle without the spanks or Girdle..Kinda smoothed me out,took some inches, and made my skin baby soft...My friend started doing them after having her kids,her family Swears that is the way to prevent stretch marks..She has 3 kids under 7 and NO Stretch marks so I'm a believer...she just uses some type of cream and saran wrap around her belly for like weeks....seems like whenever I saw her after childbirth she was wrapped up and felt really proud to show me all the sweat underneath...Ewwwwwww!
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    Yeah, you guys are right. I'll stick with the exercise and eating right and get *actual* results, not wasting money.

    Not that I was gonna stop the diet and exercise! Hell no! Just was wondering if it would suppliment it. But really not necessary.

    Actually yeah I think it would supplement regular exercise. Maybe not 'It Works!' but body wraps usually cleanse the hell out of your skin. I hear cleansing helps your body run more efficiently so yeah it's possible it could improve workouts a tiny bit.

    Cleanses do nothing your body does not already do. And wrapping something around your body will do even less.

    Ancient cultures cleansed. Like the Greeks. And to be honest there isn't really enough research to support either way. So I'm still going with it could help a little bit.

    Read this:

    This seems to focus primarily on the fact that you are starving yourself of nutrition to attain the cleanse. As this is supposedly pulling toxins from the skin, as the thread says it is a defense mechanism for the body, a wrap would be simply speeding up this process. Not starving yourself of nutrition in any way or adding more harmful substances.
  • DarthH8
    DarthH8 Posts: 298 Member
    You may agree or disagree but your language and approach is offensive. You can believe any kind of new age hokum you want. The plain fact of the matter is your liver does all the cleansing your body needs. Maybe you can find a cleanse that will help you with your maturity level?

    Also. It's not something I "believe" in. I am simply stating information as I see it for the OP. I don't really give a **** about body wraps. But I like to try and stay on topic. So lets stop going over the semantics of the way I communicate.
  • jodfie
    jodfie Posts: 144 Member
    my question is this....referring to darthh8 and others in the "cleanse area" its obvious it doesnt work as a long term weightloss so thats a moot point...but yall keep saying "the liver and body does all the cleansing it needs if you drink a long of water".....if thats true....why do we take showers? uses soap? shampoo and conditioner?...face wash? why do people have blackheads? is that not toxins clogged in the skin?...what about sinus congestion? or ear wax? can you get rid of those with lots of water intake?
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Whether or not these wraps do anything to "cleanse" the skin is largely irrelevant in my opinion. I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that the OP is bathing or showering regularly and as such, she is probably not in need of any topical cleansing that isn't already achieved through proper hygiene.

    Ultimately, the wraps are not doing anything to promote fat loss and it's one gigantic scam that should really be avoided in favor of more functional and long-term strategies towards health and fitness.


    OP --- You know what you should buy? A food scale. I promise you this is a very, very good investment.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    Are you looking to tone? Because if so skip the pricey wraps that and do pilates. For me, that has been a great shaping exercise. I've lost around 6-7 inches off my waist and about 3 inches off my hips in the 4-5 months I've been doing it and pilates doesn't cost you anything but the time you spend doing them.

    I thought you had to go to classes to do Pilates? Is there a DVD you can buy and no special equipment? My gym has all of this complicated Pilates equipment and its costs extra to do it there. I am curious and interested too!!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    When you say it has definitely worked for her, I assume you mean that she was able to make some revenue selling these items to people who don't know any better, right?

    I'm curious, how much does she bring in every month? It might not be a bad idea to peddle some of these products to supplement my paycheck. Certainly tempting. Just the other day a nice Team Beachbody rep inboxed me suggesting I try it out. :laugh: