What Strength training exercises do you do??

Hi, just curious to know what kind of strength exercises you guys do and how many times a week do you do them?? Thank you!!


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Right now I'm doing this --> http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=4195843

    I subbed calf raises for behind the back wrist curls.
  • closenre
    closenre Posts: 225 Member
    i lift on a bowflex everyday. day one chest (bench, incline, flys) and back (rows and lat pull downs) and day two i do arms (curls and tri extentions) shoulders (lat raises and miltiary press) and abs (resisted abs and 8 min ab video on youtube level 1 - 3) Picture in profie (5 lbs heavier, more toned now, need new pic,lol)
  • Thank you guys!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I do 3 sets of all of the below 2 to 3 times a week:

    Goblet Squats with dumbbells

    Mountain Climbers

    Dumbbell Swings

    Dumbbell T Pushups

    Dumbbell Curls

    Dumbbell Rows

    Dumbbell Side Lunges

    Dumbbell pushup rows

    Dumbbell Lunge with rotation

    Dumbbell push press
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I do 3 sets of all of the below 2 to 3 times a week:

    Goblet Squats with dumbbells

    Mountain Climbers

    Dumbbell Swings

    Dumbbell T Pushups

    Dumbbell Curls

    Dumbbell Rows

    Dumbbell Side Lunges

    Dumbbell pushup rows

    Dumbbell Lunge with rotation

    Dumbbell push press

  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Full body sandbag training 3x a week.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I do 3 sets of all of the below 2 to 3 times a week:

    Goblet Squats with dumbbells

    Mountain Climbers

    Dumbbell Swings

    Dumbbell T Pushups

    Dumbbell Curls

    Dumbbell Rows

    Dumbbell Side Lunges

    Dumbbell pushup rows

    Dumbbell Lunge with rotation

    Dumbbell push press


    Sounds like Spartacus to me.
  • jafopriest
    jafopriest Posts: 6 Member
    The holy trinity once a week;- Bench, Squats & dead lifts.. [I do tag on some dips & calf raises as well as a BB 24/7 daily but that does not apply to your question]
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I do 3 sets of all of the below 2 to 3 times a week:

    Goblet Squats with dumbbells

    Mountain Climbers

    Dumbbell Swings

    Dumbbell T Pushups

    Dumbbell Curls

    Dumbbell Rows

    Dumbbell Side Lunges

    Dumbbell pushup rows

    Dumbbell Lunge with rotation

    Dumbbell push press


    Sounds like Spartacus to me.

    I have no idea *chuckle*. A guy came up to me in my math class and asked if I wanted to go to the gym with him and he gave me that list. There's a group of us who are doing it now. I'm very new to this, any advice would be appreciated (good or bad). He said it was as close to something he use to do as he could remember. Called it "blood and sands"? Anyone have info about it?
  • annepage
    annepage Posts: 585 Member
    CORE, avg twice a week depending on how my body feels.

    QL stretch
    stretch over stability ball
    crunches (ground and stability ball)
    oblique crunches (ground and stability ball)
    ball planks
    roll out on the ball planks
    ball plank marches
    trunk rotations
    tba presses
    wood chops
    bridge marches
    pelvic tilt, alternating leg raises
    pelvic tilt, leg extensions
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Kettlebell Clean and Press
    One Arm KB Swings, alternating arms
    Mountain Climbers
    Turkish Get-ups right side
    Side to Side jumps
    Turkish Get-ups left side
    Alternating Lunge Jumps
    KB both arm swings

    The above; two sets

    then - Chin-ups 4 sets to failure and a 5th set of 5 x negatives (the first 4 sets of Chin-ups are assisted with resistance bands at present; working on it.
    - Pushups; 5 sets pyramid
    Bent over KB row; 3 sets of 5
    Pike Pushups for Shoulders (once a week I alternate Pike Pushups with Handstand Pushups against a wall).
    Pistol Squats onto a chair seat; working this until I eventually go to the floor in good form. (alternating with Sissy Squats)

    This program three times a week.

    Then there's my regular yoga which has a strength building component of course as well as flexibility, balance and all the pther goodies that come with a regular yoga practise.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    This is my routine for the next few months Workout 1: Mountain climbers ( knee to the outside)
    Cable low row
    Cable lat pull down
    T-bar for back
    1 arm dumb bell row ( 15lbs)
    Abs forward / reverse crunch on bench ( with/w-out medicine ball-weights)
    squats with weights
    Sumo squats- 20lb weights

    Workout 2: Push ups on bar
    Tricep dips on bench
    Leg lifts on bench ( lower abs)
    wide grip/close grip bench press ( smith machine)
    Incline bench chest press and Chest flys with weight
    Glute machine kick backs
    Hack Squat machine
    Medicine ball squat jumps
    medicine ball...side to side twists ( standing or sitting)

    Workout 3: Abs V ups
    Squats with front weight raise
    Upright Row smith machine
    Isolateral machine for shoulders
    Abs twist ( sitting) with medicine ball 10lbs)
    Cable lateral raise ( hate this one)
    Leg extension machine
    Leg curl machine
    Wood choppers ( cable machine)
    cable crunch with rope

    3 sets of 20 each one.....
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Exercises I do in strength rep ranges:

    Back Squats
    Conventional Deadlifts
    Standing Overhead Press
    Flat Barbell Bench Press
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I do 3 sets of all of the below 2 to 3 times a week:

    Goblet Squats with dumbbells

    Mountain Climbers

    Dumbbell Swings

    Dumbbell T Pushups

    Dumbbell Curls

    Dumbbell Rows

    Dumbbell Side Lunges

    Dumbbell pushup rows

    Dumbbell Lunge with rotation

    Dumbbell push press


    Sounds like Spartacus to me.

    I have no idea *chuckle*. A guy came up to me in my math class and asked if I wanted to go to the gym with him and he gave me that list. There's a group of us who are doing it now. I'm very new to this, any advice would be appreciated (good or bad). He said it was as close to something he use to do as he could remember. Called it "blood and sands"? Anyone have info about it?

    It's called the Spartacus Workout. It was published in a 2010 issue of Men's Health magazine. It's widely popular as a workout people use to get cut and preserve lean mass while building functional fitness. It's meant to be done in timed set format. 60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest, go through the whole circuit 3 times with a 2 min break in between each circuit.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I do 3 sets of all of the below 2 to 3 times a week:

    Goblet Squats with dumbbells

    Mountain Climbers

    Dumbbell Swings

    Dumbbell T Pushups

    Dumbbell Curls

    Dumbbell Rows

    Dumbbell Side Lunges

    Dumbbell pushup rows

    Dumbbell Lunge with rotation

    Dumbbell push press


    Sounds like Spartacus to me.

    I have no idea *chuckle*. A guy came up to me in my math class and asked if I wanted to go to the gym with him and he gave me that list. There's a group of us who are doing it now. I'm very new to this, any advice would be appreciated (good or bad). He said it was as close to something he use to do as he could remember. Called it "blood and sands"? Anyone have info about it?

    It's called the Spartacus Workout. It was published in a 2010 issue of Men's Health magazine. It's widely popular as a workout people use to get cut and preserve lean mass while building functional fitness. It's meant to be done in timed set format. 60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest, go through the whole circuit 3 times with a 2 min break in between each circuit.

    The curls are an addition though. They should really be split jumps.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 623 Member
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 623 Member
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

    Ahh, dumbbell shoulder impingements. Great exercise.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member

    Ahh, dumbbell shoulder impingements. Great exercise.

    Thought THAT one had been "outlawed"?

    I would replace with bent-over row - barbell or dumbbell single arm. Not quite the same exercise but a good back exercise and safer.
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Off season split.

    6 day hypertrophy split: 4 weeks
    6 day strength split : 2 weeks
    6 day de-load split: 1 week

    day 1: Chest + Calves
    day 2: Back + Forearms
    day 3: Shoulders + Traps
    day 4: Biceps + Triceps
    day 5: Quads + Calves + Abdominals
    day 6: Hamstrings + Forearms

    currently trying to design a new split where I hit every body part twice a week.