Sugar Free Foods



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Stevia is a natural no calorie sweetner. It is not chemically created. The FDQ just approved it as a sweetner this past summer and since then many stevia products have appeared like Truvia. I buy mine from though. It is great with no harmful side effects.

    If you buy the liquid or the white powder stevia, then it is highly processed and not advised to be used. I just found this out and threw out the stevia packets I had in the cabinet.

    I am now in search of a stevia plant to start growing my own.

    Here's a link you may want. It has all the info you need and places to buy from.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    Hmm. I will have to check out this stevia stuff, seems like everyone knows about it but me.
    I havn't had any sugar in 6 days and so far nothing artificially sweetened/sugar free so I suppose I am doing pretty good! can't say I will last without some sugar free pudding or something but we will see!
  • TwentyTen
    Hmm. I will have to check out this stevia stuff, seems like everyone knows about it but me.
    I havn't had any sugar in 6 days and so far nothing artificially sweetened/sugar free so I suppose I am doing pretty good! can't say I will last without some sugar free pudding or something but we will see!

    So how do you feel after that many days without sugar? Are you feeling any differently?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hmm. I will have to check out this stevia stuff, seems like everyone knows about it but me.
    I havn't had any sugar in 6 days and so far nothing artificially sweetened/sugar free so I suppose I am doing pretty good! can't say I will last without some sugar free pudding or something but we will see!

    If you can make it at least 2 weeks without caving, you won't want the stuff any more..............Your cravings will subside and completely go away and you will find a new found sweetness to veggies and some fruits that are very ripe will taste too sweet to you...................And if you eat sugar or artificial sweetener, it won't taste the same.

    Congratulations on the beginning of the end of your sweet cravings. Stick with it.

    If you get the taste for something sweet, eat something salty (like a dill pickle). Cravings will just disappear.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Hmm. I will have to check out this stevia stuff, seems like everyone knows about it but me.
    I havn't had any sugar in 6 days and so far nothing artificially sweetened/sugar free so I suppose I am doing pretty good! can't say I will last without some sugar free pudding or something but we will see!

    is there a reason you're giving up sugar alltogether? if its just for calories sake you might want to check out Kozy Shacks Simply Well puddings, 100 calories and they're all natural, sweetened with real sugar, right around the same amoun of calories as if you were eating one of the jello free kind. Also you can try making your own pudding, look up homemade pudding recipes and sub honey, agave or stevia for the sugar.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I don't feel anything yet I don't think but i guess mentally I am feeling good about doing that for myself. I'm sure eventually I will start to feel healthier. The fact that I'm sick right now probably doesn't help. I have been having a real hard time having enough energy to do my work outs but also, that could be because of the sick. Has anyone ever had problems with their work out when they stopped eating sugar? i know that might be a strange question but you never know! doesn't ever hurt to ask.

    July24Lioness, I hope you are right about the 2 week mark. I'm getting better at not craving it but I just see everyone eating it and I feel sad about it aha. It's not that my stomach wants it I just really would love to taste it. I hope that goes away, that I won't feel like I need it or want it. Also I never thought to eat something salty to curb my sweet craving.. thanks for the tip!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I don't feel anything yet I don't think but i guess mentally I am feeling good about doing that for myself. I'm sure eventually I will start to feel healthier. The fact that I'm sick right now probably doesn't help. I have been having a real hard time having enough energy to do my work outs but also, that could be because of the sick. Has anyone ever had problems with their work out when they stopped eating sugar? i know that might be a strange question but you never know! doesn't ever hurt to ask.

    July24Lioness, I hope you are right about the 2 week mark. I'm getting better at not craving it but I just see everyone eating it and I feel sad about it aha. It's not that my stomach wants it I just really would love to taste it. I hope that goes away, that I won't feel like I need it or want it. Also I never thought to eat something salty to curb my sweet craving.. thanks for the tip!

    What type of sickness do you have going on?

    I ask this because it is highly possible that after 6 days of no sugar, no artificial sweeteners that your body is going through detox and withdrawal from sugar.

    I have to take it a step further when I detox and have absolutely no fruit or the sweet cravings never go away and I have to watch some of the veggies I eat during that time also..............

    I recently had to detox myself off the sugar again so I can continue my quest to live an all natural lifestyle. I find that my family and my close friends are unfortunately my worst enemy when it comes to eating.

    I ate protein and green, leafy veggies for 2 weeks and the cravings are all gone now and I am down 14 pounds so far, have lots of energy and just an over all good feeling.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Its been my experience that the less sugar and other simple carbs you eat the sweeter fruits taste. Some are so sweet you can barely eat them... like bananas for instance. And dried fruits taste like candy!

    I have to totally agree with this. After I eat a banana I swear that I drink a gallon of water because I am so thirsty from the sweetness.
  • TwentyTen
    I believe I am feeling some sugar detox myself at the moment. I do not feel sick, but I sure do feel tired. Making it through the rest of the work day is going to be a challenge enough, and I am disappointed to feel like I am not up to doing my workout. I want to , but I am in sad shape.
    My primary goal was the caffeine in giving up coffee, but since I loaded it verrry heavy with sugar, it is a double whammy. I am into my 2nd week free of it, 10 days to be exact. From what I have been reading , you can be over the caffeine quicker than the sugar, sugar can take 2 full weeks to detox from.
    All I know is I feel totally wiped out.

    And you know, the sickness you feel , may in fact be the detoxing from the sugar.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Not sure either. She has told them that she uses it and her sugar is staying at a good level each day. She hasn't had a bad check up and knock on wood I hope she doesn't.

    I have several diabetics in my family and yes, Splenda is a recommended sugar replacement.

    Personally, and I am not faced with diabetic issues, all fake sweeteners taste horrible and have an even worse after taste.

    I have also found that once i stop eating so much sugary food I have a drop in energy levels for a week or so, but now things are so sweet I don't like to eat them as much anymore.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I never could stand any artificial sweeteners, but hearing so much about stevia i thought i'd have a taste. Blech, I could never eat that, I had to spit it out.

    what brand did you use? the newer ones don't have the anisey aftertaste like it used to have, you just have to watch what the additives are in it. I use stevia in the raw or sun crystals (sun crystals is mixed with sugar though so it wouldn't work for a sugar free diet). maybe try another brand? although I have a friend who's tried several and just doesn't like it.... I swear people have different taste buds because I don't notice any aftertaste at all... maybe I have less sensitive taste buds :)

    Xylitol and Sucranat are also natural sweeteners. I find that Sucranat stinks to high heaven (nasty nasty) but I do love to bake with it. Ans Xylitol is sweet on par with sugar and looks like white sugar. I use it to bake and to sweeten things such as strawberries for my daughter for a treat, etc.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I believe I am feeling some sugar detox myself at the moment. I do not feel sick, but I sure do feel tired. Making it through the rest of the work day is going to be a challenge enough, and I am disappointed to feel like I am not up to doing my workout. I want to , but I am in sad shape.
    My primary goal was the caffeine in giving up coffee, but since I loaded it verrry heavy with sugar, it is a double whammy. I am into my 2nd week free of it, 10 days to be exact. From what I have been reading , you can be over the caffeine quicker than the sugar, sugar can take 2 full weeks to detox from.
    All I know is I feel totally wiped out.

    And you know, the sickness you feel , may in fact be the detoxing from the sugar.

    If you are detoxing from the sugar, you should get a burst of energy soon.............I know I am. I am waking up at 4 am, ready to clean house before going to work, exercising and have my shower taken before my husband or my dogs wake up.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I never could stand any artificial sweeteners, but hearing so much about stevia i thought i'd have a taste. Blech, I could never eat that, I had to spit it out.

    what brand did you use? the newer ones don't have the anisey aftertaste like it used to have, you just have to watch what the additives are in it. I use stevia in the raw or sun crystals (sun crystals is mixed with sugar though so it wouldn't work for a sugar free diet). maybe try another brand? although I have a friend who's tried several and just doesn't like it.... I swear people have different taste buds because I don't notice any aftertaste at all... maybe I have less sensitive taste buds :)

    Xylitol and Sucranat are also natural sweeteners. I find that Sucranat stinks to high heaven (nasty nasty) but I do love to bake with it. Ans Xylitol is sweet on par with sugar and looks like white sugar. I use it to bake and to sweeten things such as strawberries for my daughter for a treat, etc.

    Xylitol found in fruits and vegetables that is natural occurring is the only natural stuff..................

    The Xylitol found in bags or bottles in the grocery stores is not natural and is misrepresented as such. It is hydrologized, which means it is hydrogenated, which in itself makes it unhealthy. it is extremely toxic to dogs too..............

    If the following sound "natural" to you, then by all means purchase it and use it....................I don't find it to be natural and free from processing so I will not consume it. I stopped consuming the white Stevia powder when I found out how processed it is.
    1. First the xylan needs to be broken down in a process called acid hydrolyzing. The results of this process leave us with xylose and acetic acid. The process of hydrogenation is carried out at higher pressures and temperatures ranging from 158 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. Hydrogenation needs a catalyst, so a substance called Raney nickel can be used which is a powdered nickel-aluminium alloy.

    2. The acetic acid needs to be removed as the material safety data sheet describes it as, "Very hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant), of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Hazardous in case of skin contact (corrosive, permeator), of eye contact (corrosive)."

    3. Then the hydrolyzing acid and organic residues must be removed, this is done by heating the mixture and evaporating it.

    4. The resulting syrup, now free of acetic acid, hydrolyzing acid, nick-aluminum and other residues.

    5. The syrup is crystallized by stirring ethanol into it.

    6. The crystalline xylitol is now separated in a centrifuge from the ethanol and from the sorbitol remaining in solution.

    7. Viola, you have xylitol.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    If you are craving sugar, try taking a teaspoonful of organic apple cider vinegar immediately before or after each meal or snack for a few weeks. It really does kill carb cravings as you can read in depth on another nutrition thread.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    If you are craving sugar, try taking a teaspoonful of organic apple cider vinegar immediately before or after each meal or snack for a few weeks. It really does kill carb cravings as you can read in depth on another nutrition thread.

    I have tried that and I just can't get past the taste. Ewww, yuck.

    I have eaten dill pickles instead. LOL
  • TwentyTen
    I believe I am feeling some sugar detox myself at the moment. I do not feel sick, but I sure do feel tired. Making it through the rest of the work day is going to be a challenge enough, and I am disappointed to feel like I am not up to doing my workout. I want to , but I am in sad shape.
    My primary goal was the caffeine in giving up coffee, but since I loaded it verrry heavy with sugar, it is a double whammy. I am into my 2nd week free of it, 10 days to be exact. From what I have been reading , you can be over the caffeine quicker than the sugar, sugar can take 2 full weeks to detox from.
    All I know is I feel totally wiped out.

    And you know, the sickness you feel , may in fact be the detoxing from the sugar.

    If you are detoxing from the sugar, you should get a burst of energy soon.............I know I am. I am waking up at 4 am, ready to clean house before going to work, exercising and have my shower taken before my husband or my dogs wake up.

    I sure hope so. A burst of energy would sure be welcome, cannot come soon enough!
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Why do you think you have to give up peanut butter? It's great stuff--as long as you get the kind that's pretty much ground peanuts and a little bit of salt. I eat the Smucker's Organic Creamy peanut butter and boy does it taste good! Of course, my hubby can't stand it because it's not sweet enough for him. I felt that way, too, at first. I found that, to wean myself off the extra sugar in peanut butter, it worked to put a little bit of honey on top of the peanut butter, steadily decreasing it until I could eat it plain. Now I can't stand the other stuff at all!

    ...I just read that the average American eats 100 lbs of added sugars a year. That's enough to get me to stop and to eat more like July24lioness!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member

    What type of sickness do you have going on?

    I ask this because it is highly possible that after 6 days of no sugar, no artificial sweeteners that your body is going through detox and withdrawal from sugar.

    I work at a day care so it's just the general stuff that everyone gets. Sore throat, bad cough.. the croup (sp?) is going around so I think it's just from my job. Sugar detox may not be helping either, slowing me down a bit maybe? I'm not sure. But I'm feeling better and having an easier time after a week without sugar. Im excited to see how exercising will play into it once I can get back to the gym..

    stratdl - i live in a small town and there is pretty much one type of peanut butter here which is not the good kind haha. if i can ever find some of the organic stuff you were talking about, i will check it out for sure!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Why do you think you have to give up peanut butter? It's great stuff--as long as you get the kind that's pretty much ground peanuts and a little bit of salt. I eat the Smucker's Organic Creamy peanut butter and boy does it taste good! Of course, my hubby can't stand it because it's not sweet enough for him. I felt that way, too, at first. I found that, to wean myself off the extra sugar in peanut butter, it worked to put a little bit of honey on top of the peanut butter, steadily decreasing it until I could eat it plain. Now I can't stand the other stuff at all!

    ...I just read that the average American eats 100 lbs of added sugars a year. That's enough to get me to stop and to eat more like July24lioness!

    yes, I read last night that the average American eats between 2 and 5 pounds of sugar PER WEEK!!!!! That is because sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup, etc is in everything.................

    Read this article...............What if it all has been a Big Fat Dr. Gary Taubes

    It is long, but well worth the read.
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Hi bjs06 - I know how it goes, when the products you want aren't carried locally. That's when I end up going online and seeing what I can find there. At, there's a product called Justin's Nut Butter, Organic Classic Peanut Butter (it's got 1 g sugars, from what I found). It's sold in 3-packs of 16-oz tubs each (so a total of 48 oz) for $17.17 (plus shipping, unless you order $25 or more). And I just saw that the Smucker's online store has a 6-pack (96 oz total) of the peanut butter I mentioned earlier for $25 + ~ $10 shipping (depending upon how fast you want it).

    I don't want to sound like I'm pushing the peanut butter thing (because I'm honestly not trying to do so), but I just wanted to point out options for when you're in the middle of nutritional nowhere. Cost can be an issue, too (and buying that much stuff at once may be a problem if you're the only one eating it and eating it only occasionally). I hope that this helps a bit and I hope that you have success in kicking the sugar. I'm trying every day to do it, myself! No 100 lbs a year for me!!! :wink: