Woke up earlier = unexpected weight gain?!?

Hello, everyone! My name is Nicole. I've been a longtime member of myfitnesspal, but this is my first time posting on the forums.

I'm a college student on winter break, and lately I've been going to bed around 2-3am and waking up at 11. On those days I usually eat two meals: a late breakfast/lunch, and then dinner. I've put on a bit of weight this past semester that I'm trying to lose, so I've been closely monitoring my intake/exercise and weighing myself every morning--before breakfast, after using the bathroom, naked, always trying to get the most accurate number possible.

Yesterday I ate two moderately-sized meals, plus I exercised a lot: 4 hours of hiking, 2 hours of goofing off in the park with my friends (we're very mature college students). By the time I went to bed at 1:30, I was absolutely exhausted and extremely hungry, and confident that I'd weigh at least a pound lighter by the next morning.

I woke up at 8:15, and to my surprise weighted in at 134.0... not only did I not lose weight, but I actually gained from yesterday's 133.4! So my question is: why did I gain weight? Is it because I woke up 3 hours earlier than usual, or did I grossly overestimate yesterday's deficit, or what? I'm a bit of a scale junkie, and generally good at understanding scale patterns, but this absolutely stumps me. Any insights or theories would be great.

Thank you so much! x


  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? Are you going to be on your period soon? Other things can contribute to it. But, don't stress out, it's only 0.6 lbs, you will probably lose them by tomorrow.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I woke up at 8:15, and to my surprise weighted in at 134.0... not only did I not lose weight, but I actually gained from yesterday's 133.4! So my question is: why did I gain weight? Is it because I woke up 3 hours earlier than usual, or did I grossly overestimate yesterday's deficit, or what? I'm a bit of a scale junkie, and generally good at understanding scale patterns, but this absolutely stumps me. Any insights or theories would be great.

    Thank you so much! x

    Hello Nicole,

    I mean this with the best of intent for your success and well being.

    The fact that you're even remotely concerned with a 0.6lb fluctuation over one day suggests to me that you need to put your scale away for a while and perhaps focus a bit more on the week to week processes rather than the minutia. Focus on long term trends. In your case I'd limit yourself to weekly weigh-ins at most.

    Disclaimer: I don't mean this with any sort of tone so please don't take this wrong. You have a nice day and I like your hat.
  • BossReyes
    BossReyes Posts: 117 Member
    ^What he said.

    Focus on your week to week and even month to month. Pay attention to your inches, not pounds. A gallon of fresh water weighs 8.34 pounds. I drink 2 gallons of water per day. Don't focus too much on it.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You muscle may get swollen from hiking and it would retain more water.
    Sodium intake?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Weight will fluctuate.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    Weight fluctuates daily, so while there could be a lot of factors that caused that increase - things like water retention, dehydration, too much sodium etc. It is nothing worth recording and likely won't hang around.
  • nkayyy
    nkayyy Posts: 46
    As I stated before, I'm a bit addicted to the scale, but I've been weighing myself daily for the past couple years and it really helps me stay on track and catch myself when my weight begins to creep up. I normally wouldn't care about a gain of 0.6, it's just that I exercised SO much yesterday and expected a big loss.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I woke up at 8:15, and to my surprise weighted in at 134.0... not only did I not lose weight, but I actually gained from yesterday's 133.4! So my question is: why did I gain weight? Is it because I woke up 3 hours earlier than usual, or did I grossly overestimate yesterday's deficit, or what? I'm a bit of a scale junkie, and generally good at understanding scale patterns, but this absolutely stumps me. Any insights or theories would be great.

    Thank you so much! x

    Hello Nicole,

    I mean this with the best of intent for your success and well being.

    The fact that you're even remotely concerned with a 0.6lb fluctuation over one day suggests to me that you need to put your scale away for a while and perhaps focus a bit more on the week to week processes rather than the minutia. Focus on long term trends. In your case I'd limit yourself to weekly weigh-ins at most.

    Disclaimer: I don't mean this with any sort of tone so please don't take this wrong. You have a nice day and I like your hat.

  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    You stated that you are good at understanding scale patterns. Chalk that .6 of a pound up to a normal fluctuation and go back to what you were doing.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    As I stated before, I'm a bit addicted to the scale, but I've been weighing myself daily for the past couple years and it really helps me stay on track and catch myself when my weight begins to creep up. I normally wouldn't care about a gain of 0.6, it's just that I exercised SO much yesterday and expected a big loss.

    And I am implying that this is a problem and I'd encourage you to find ways to correct it.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    As I stated before, I'm a bit addicted to the scale, but I've been weighing myself daily for the past couple years and it really helps me stay on track and catch myself when my weight begins to creep up. I normally wouldn't care about a gain of 0.6, it's just that I exercised SO much yesterday and expected a big loss.

    If you've been weighing daily, you should know that weight fluctuates and that it's all about the longer term trend, not the day-to-day. Get a grip.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    As I stated before, I'm a bit addicted to the scale, but I've been weighing myself daily for the past couple years and it really helps me stay on track and catch myself when my weight begins to creep up. I normally wouldn't care about a gain of 0.6, it's just that I exercised SO much yesterday and expected a big loss.

    Some days I exercise my *kitten* off and expect to see "whooooeeee look at that loss" the next morning... and my scale is up.
    Some days I eat like a pig and go over in my cals and expect to hear my scale scream "you're a big fat cow" in the morning, and jeeze, I'm at an all time low.

    Thing is, your body is not like a debit machine. The transactions you make today, do not instantly show up in the account.
    Instead... think of it as a credit card.... the impact of your purchases and deposits accumulate over time and you're hit with the bill later... and most likely when you have forgotten exactly what you did to succeed (or fail) haha.

    That said... I like SideSteel's answer much better than mine. And he's right, it's a cool hat.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's your sleep fat. It wasn't expecting you to be up so early so it was still metabolizing. Stay in bed longer tomorrow and it'll all be gone.
  • Mhay913
    Mhay913 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with those advocating for a weekly weigh-in over daily... I sometimes get into the daily weigh-in obsession and it really just drives me crazy. I find my mood influenced too much by what my scale says!

    Also, I notice that the day after I have done a lot of exercise (e.g. a 4-hour hike). I tend to retain extra water &/or am a bit swollen, which would account for a .6 gain (sometimes it's as much as 2-3 lbs.).
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    This is common. The later you weigh yourself the less you'll weigh. If you have been waking up at 11 and weighing yourself and lets say tomorrow you wake up at 12 or 1 you'll weigh less than you normally do. When I have morning classes and weigh myself at 8am, I always weigh more, than when I weigh myself at 11. I may weigh myself to keep myself in check, but I only compare my weight when I weigh in at the same time of day
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I woke up at 8:15, and to my surprise weighted in at 134.0... not only did I not lose weight, but I actually gained from yesterday's 133.4! So my question is: why did I gain weight? Is it because I woke up 3 hours earlier than usual, or did I grossly overestimate yesterday's deficit, or what? I'm a bit of a scale junkie, and generally good at understanding scale patterns, but this absolutely stumps me. Any insights or theories would be great.

    Thank you so much! x

    Hello Nicole,

    I mean this with the best of intent for your success and well being.

    The fact that you're even remotely concerned with a 0.6lb fluctuation over one day suggests to me that you need to put your scale away for a while and perhaps focus a bit more on the week to week processes rather than the minutia. Focus on long term trends. In your case I'd limit yourself to weekly weigh-ins at most.

    Disclaimer: I don't mean this with any sort of tone so please don't take this wrong. You have a nice day and I like your hat.

    He is right. Stressing over the scale can actually cause a cortisol release, and cortisol will hinder your progress. Also, you are a woman. Estrogen causes a water weight increase. Your body releases estrogen twice a month. I finally resolved only to weigh in monthly on the day that my period starts. That is the one day of the month that my water levels should always be precisely the same as the month before.

    Now I'm not going to lie and say that I don't get on the scale daily. But the only day that the number on the scale matters to me is that one day of the month. And I don't really stress about the scale anymore.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I woke up at 8:15, and to my surprise weighted in at 134.0... not only did I not lose weight, but I actually gained from yesterday's 133.4! So my question is: why did I gain weight? Is it because I woke up 3 hours earlier than usual, or did I grossly overestimate yesterday's deficit, or what? I'm a bit of a scale junkie, and generally good at understanding scale patterns, but this absolutely stumps me. Any insights or theories would be great.

    Thank you so much! x

    Hello Nicole,

    I mean this with the best of intent for your success and well being.

    The fact that you're even remotely concerned with a 0.6lb fluctuation over one day suggests to me that you need to put your scale away for a while and perhaps focus a bit more on the week to week processes rather than the minutia. Focus on long term trends. In your case I'd limit yourself to weekly weigh-ins at most.

    Disclaimer: I don't mean this with any sort of tone so please don't take this wrong. You have a nice day and I like your hat.

    Definitely what he said. And do measurements. The scale is going to fluctuate with water retention and muscle gain.
  • amber1533
    amber1533 Posts: 117 Member
    Hello Nicole,

    I mean this with the best of intent for your success and well being.

    The fact that you're even remotely concerned with a 0.6lb fluctuation over one day suggests to me that you need to put your scale away for a while and perhaps focus a bit more on the week to week processes rather than the minutia. Focus on long term trends. In your case I'd limit yourself to weekly weigh-ins at most.

    Disclaimer: I don't mean this with any sort of tone so please don't take this wrong. You have a nice day and I like your hat.

    I think this is the best advice, I try not to use the scale too often (deciding for myself to only weigh in at the end of the month) I'd get so obsessed of why I gained/didn't lose on the day to and get discouraged or try to restrict my eating too much. I don't want these journey to get stunted before it starts. I think he says it great =)
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Hello, everyone! My name is Nicole. I've been a longtime member of myfitnesspal, but this is my first time posting on the forums.

    I'm a college student on winter break, and lately I've been going to bed around 2-3am and waking up at 11. On those days I usually eat two meals: a late breakfast/lunch, and then dinner. I've put on a bit of weight this past semester that I'm trying to lose, so I've been closely monitoring my intake/exercise and weighing myself every morning--before breakfast, after using the bathroom, naked, always trying to get the most accurate number possible.

    Yesterday I ate two moderately-sized meals, plus I exercised a lot: 4 hours of hiking, 2 hours of goofing off in the park with my friends (we're very mature college students). By the time I went to bed at 1:30, I was absolutely exhausted and extremely hungry, and confident that I'd weigh at least a pound lighter by the next morning.

    I woke up at 8:15, and to my surprise weighted in at 134.0... not only did I not lose weight, but I actually gained from yesterday's 133.4! So my question is: why did I gain weight? Is it because I woke up 3 hours earlier than usual, or did I grossly overestimate yesterday's deficit, or what? I'm a bit of a scale junkie, and generally good at understanding scale patterns, but this absolutely stumps me. Any insights or theories would be great.

    Thank you so much! x

    OM gosh I feel for you I really do, I am a scale junkie too lol!

    But it really does depend on everything all the previous posters have said.

    It can even just be a poo lol!

    I really shouldn`t worry about it too much. Keep up with what your are doing and the scale will work itself out x
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    As I stated before, I'm a bit addicted to the scale, but I've been weighing myself daily for the past couple years and it really helps me stay on track and catch myself when my weight begins to creep up. I normally wouldn't care about a gain of 0.6, it's just that I exercised SO much yesterday and expected a big loss.

    The extra exercise could have also released cortisol. Or perhaps your muscles are retaining extra glycogen. The point that we are trying to get across to you is that the day-to-day fluctuations shouldn't matter this much to you.