Hey all,

My name's Liam,

I'm 20, soon to be 21 (4 days in fact!), 5'7", 209 lbs, in my final year of uni, and am determined on shifting the last 50 lbs or so to get me to what my healthy weight should be.
I've already lost 40 lbs since last April, but recently in the last couple of months, my weight loss, whilst continuing, has slowed massively. I used to use another website similar to this, but the barcode scanner app on the iPhone for this is perfect for on the go logging, much easier than typing it in my hand or remembering it until the end of the day.
Annoyingly I'd just got into cycling when my left knee went to havoc. Whilst it is not injured (apparently), my physio has told me that I have something called swayback posture, which means my knee tracks incorrectly, which is why it hurts whenever I put much weight on it. Its a pain, which combined with flat feet and arthritis in my big toes, has really set me back in terms of getting fitter.

However, with the exercises I've been given, and with follow-up appointments, hopefully I'll be back on the saddle in no time, and on my way to my goal.

I decided to just pop in a say hello, and look forward to getting fit with you guys! Send me some motivation ;).