I've been over eating

I started MFP on November 3 2012. Since day one I have measured all my veggies and try to eat in small portions . I never had a food scale so all my chicken and meats were a guesstimate of what i thought would be around 4 ounces . I always looked at the meats and chopped it up and said yeah , "That looks like it's about 4 ounces"".

I'll eat my meal and then log my food on to MFP and I always looked forward to seeing the little note at the end

" If you were to eat like this every day you should weigh 205 lbs in 5 weeks"

Whatever I've been doing is working because the weight is coming off but not at the rate that MFP says ... I'm about 10lbs off

Today , I finally got a food scale , My 4 ounce Guess has been about 3 ounces off (more like 7 ounces .. )

I've been cheating myself !:mad: lesson learned !
