Soon 50 - Recommendations for exercise DVD's wanted!

Knee Caps, Lower Back, Behind, and Hips moan frequently... Any suggestions for 49 and 1/2 year old desperately seeking to improve her crabby bod?


  • tlbfirebird
    Try core rhythms. It's great and low impact.
  • sarayaha
    walk away the pounds is low impact
  • MBEB
    MBEB Posts: 3
    I have to watch my knees also, but my favorites so far are the P90X series (tough but a different workout for everyday and it works!) and JM's Banish Fat- just limit the jumping.....:bigsmile:
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    Yeah, someone my age. I don't know about DVD's but if you're a gym member try a cycling class, really burns the fat and easy on the knees.