Early Morning Motivation

I need some suggestions on how to get up early enough to work out. I usually work out after work but would much prefer to get my workout done in the morning, get my metabolism boosted. Get it over with. No matter what good intentions I have BEFORE going to bed, everything just goes out the window around 6:15 am. Also, maybe a little diet tip for me too; on how to stay focused. Thanks. :yawn:


  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Before I go to bed I prepare my gym clothes, gym bag, and post workout snack. I even prepare as much of breakfast as I can (ex. Tonight, I hard boiled my egg, cut my English muffin, and put my juice glass on the counter). That way I can sleep as long as possible, eat, get dressed and go. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, that helps in getting up. Other than that its just a matter of making yourself get up. There are a lot of days, especially when its cold out, when I don't want to haul butt out of bed but I remind myself how good I feel when I'm done and overall how exercising has helped me get this far.
  • LadyRhodes01
    LadyRhodes01 Posts: 88 Member
    I agree with above post. Awesome ideas! I also have to get myself pumped the night before. Getting myself excited to workout the next morning. Morning workouts were hard for me at first, I was so not a morning person. But, I would tell myself "Yay, I'm working out tomorrow". I also have body goals in mind, like taking an inch off my waist, which motivated me to get out of bed. I reminded myself that with every workout or even each step during workout, I was getting closer to my goal. I would even get up and take off all my clothes and stand in the mirror. What I saw was motivation enough. Even when I stepped on the scale. Think about the goals you have in mind. Ex: these x amt of pounds gotta go..this muffin top has to go..striving for that six pack..so on and so forth. Gotta get creative. Then once you get closer to your goal, you still have to remind yourself you're not going back. Good luck, you got this. You got it in you (or you wouldn't be on MFP) just gotta pull it out. You can add me as well, I can motivate you.
  • rst12267
    rst12267 Posts: 85 Member
    I work outside the home and have kids including a one year old so I have to get up early to exercise or it just doesn't get done. What has worked for me ( it's just a bit embarrassing) is that I sleep in my workout clothes. Yes, every night I put on my leggings and sportsbra and leave my socks tucked into my shoes beside my bed. When my alarm rings at 5 I can easily find my shoes in the dark, grab my jacket and I'm our the door for a run. Silly I know, but it really works for me'
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    Set 3-4 alarms for your workout--about 5-10 min intervals.....drink an glass of icewater and go out to run (put your workout gear close to the bed and a little posted or notebook next to the bed under one of the alarms to remind of you your promise to yourself.
  • LilRachelle
    Hello! I am so happy that I joined My Fitness Pal! To be honest, I joined a long time ago but never used it. Yesterday, I thought, I'm so over this! I need something more to help me through this because I sure can't do it on my own! Another thing I should have mentioned...I don't even have to go outside to work out. I have everything I need at home. I could literally roll out of bed and onto my treadmill, so what's my excuse? Just keep pushing snooze until it's time to get up to get ready for work. I have tried notes before too. Nothing works for me. I used to get up at 5:15 every day and meet my sister for a run but now we don't do that and with no-one waiting for me, it makes all the difference in the world. rst12267, I giggled when I read what you do, I love how we can be so creative when we need to. :smile: jkestens63, I am getting enough sleep, doesn't seem to matter how much I get, just too lazy in the morning. And to all of you, I am so proud of you for losing all that weight! Especially, jkestens63, awesome, good for you!! Thank you, all of you, for commenting, what a great support group. I so appreciate it. And tonight, I am going to pump myself up for tomorrow morning. See how that goes!! THANK YOU. :flowerforyou: