Disabilities, weight loss, and exercise



  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I have fibromyalgia and back issues too and when I have 'flare ups' I do water aerobics. We use floating dumbells and stay in the deep end of the pool, which helps because your spine can just 'hang there'. You can work out really hard or take it easy and it is awesome for sore joints! I was then able to walk and now I run, something I NEVER thought I'd be able to do!
    Good luck, you can do this!
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    This is a very inspiring discussion and it is so awesome to see all of you and how you have improved your lives. I really applaud you.

    One caveat is I think it is important that you keep your health care provider in the loop - I don't care if it is a MD, DC, PT, NP or what ever. I also think if your health care provider doesn't understand what your goal are and is willing to work with you - you consider a change in provider. (I realize there are some insurance limitations for people in the US).

    Finally - let me quote the Ironman World champion Chris McCormack (aka 'macca') - YOU are the CEO of your one person company!
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Congrats on taking that big first step to get the live that you deserve. While I don't have your issues I can sympathize with having your own body work against you. but I managed to change that and so can you.

    I found that walking on the spot helped minimize a lot of the pain issues that I had with my knee and subsequently with my hip. I would listen to my fav tunes and sing along. I went from doing 20 mins to over 2 hours because I got carried away with my music. I progressed to jogging on the spot and doing weights. Now I do long walks, cycling and circuit training.

    I definitely agree that the pool would be the best place for you to get started. But if you're like me on a very limited budget, being able to workout at home is the way to go. Plus you don't have an excuse to not do something. If you have a Pinterest account, they have a lot of fitness tips and mini work outs that can help. I use mine for ideas on circuit training.
  • goody2shews
    goody2shews Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, I'm Jen, 33, and I have been fluctuating between 200-230 lbs. for the last 10 years, I'm 5'7". My goal is to reach 165 lbs by Christmas 2013. The biggest struggles I have right now are quitting soda and exercise. As for disabilities, I have degenerative disc disease, osteoarthritis (hip), and osteoporosis. I can't lift more than 5lbs without stressing my back and walking more than 30 minutes forces me into a chair for 2 plus hours for heat therapy. I am walking despite this and I have a ball to exercise on when I can't get outside to walk. I would really like to find some friends with similar issues. However, I'm not picky. Since I started using this app on my iPad, I've lost 3 pounds!

    Hi Jen,

    I'm sorry your pain is a pain ;) I get it, I'm disabled with the same dd and some other issues. I had to take it slow but, now some days I can walk for 45min to an hour. I lost over 30 lbs just walking 2.0 to 2.5 mph for 20-30minutes at a time so far. At first it was horrible but it has been 2 and a half months now. My pain level is always bothering me regadless what I do so this is my attitude....If I'm going to be in pain regardless why not? Yes, it is going to hurt and I will need ice packs and heating pads and have to lay down for awhile. But listen, screw the dishes, the hell with laundry and the rest of the house cleaning can go jump in the lake. Who needs a clean house, car, or clothes if your dead? I'm not saying that for you I'm saying that is where I am. I weighed what you do not too long ago...this May actually. So, people will think your lazy or nasty cause your house is dirty well too bad. I know what they think of me being 200+ lbs and it's not much different. Priortize....your health comes first. Before social gatherings, tv shows, shopping....I make a rule some days that I refuse to do anything at all or go anywhere until my exercising is done. It is amazing how everyone all of a sudden becomes encouraging instead of demanding their own needs on those days.

    I have become a major witch since I started this journey in some people's opinion. I have had to though. I was willing to put my body in pain to meet everyone's needs ( kids, parents, husband even the dog ) but not my own. Now I come first. If I don't feel like it after I work out....sucks to be you. My family is coming around though. They understand caffiene plays a roll in this for me since my pain level is so high some days I seriously need it.

    Whatever it takes Jen. I have had to go to the doctor twice because I am pushing myself but, if I don't do it now I never will. There are only so many moments in life that line up as the opportunity to change forever. Do it now that you want it. If you wait you might never want it again.
  • HiLisette
    HiLisette Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Hisjen =)

    I can totally relate to your situation. I'm 52 and I have osteoporosis, lupus, sickle cell anemia, high blood pressure, and bursitis (hope that's spelt right) in my shoulder, and on top of that I'm on constant oxygen. I live in a 3rd floor house with no elevator, so just going to the doctor IS exercise lol. Having said all of that, you'd be surprised what you can do around the house for exercising. I do morning stretching when I can, then little things that don't seem like exercise actually helps, like light housework (dusting, reorganizing shelves in the pantry...) Just the moving around and keeping fairly active has worked for me, not to say this is the plan to help you, just throwing some ideas out to you.

    The fact that you are here proves to everyone that you want this and are willing to work for your goals. It may be slow at times, but hang in there, we're here for support. =)