Ruptured my Soleus today

So a little warning to all the excercisers out there, i have been training 6-7 days a week, for 1-2 hours a day since January 4th.
My hard work and clean eating has really paid off, as of today i have officially lost 20 inches and 13 1/2 pounds...

I have been so motivated & in not wanting to take even 1 day off, i have over trained & not given myself, my body the proper rest!!

Today when excercising i heard a loud "pop" and felt something snap in my calf. when i looked down i watched a golf ball sized lump form in front of me & instant bruising. After hours in the hospital i discovered that i have a stage 3 ruptured soleus. Very painful sports injury caused by over training and lack of rest. The only way to rehabilitate my injury is strict rest, any excercise could prolong the injury. I am looking at 6-12 weeks of no excercise....all because i didn't let my body rest... :frown:

I cannot walk, am on crutches indefinately & in excrusiating pain!!! Please take the much needed time off that your body needs when you are training...or your body will do it for you!



  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Are you just going to watch your cals for the next few months? Can you do arm exercises? Gee gads, that sucks that happened to you! Sorry hun :frown:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    You ruptured your soleus and not your gastrocnemious? Interesting. Are you having surgery to reconnect it??
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    You ruptured your soleus and not your gastrocnemious? Interesting. Are you having surgery to reconnect it??

    Very interesting. Usually it is the tendon that ruptures, and the soleus and gastroc are attached through the same tendon - the Achilles. That sucks though. Do what you have to do to rehab it, i wouldn't recommend any arm or other exercises for a while, especially if you are getting it repaired. Afterwards, you may be able to ask your MD about arm exercises or maybe even some abs. What i do recommend is taking the time to make sure you are stretching your other body parts daily.

    Did you really lose 20 inches? or was that a typo?
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    That stinks!

    I feel like that sometimes too, working too hard, not letting my body rest. There were times where I could barely walk from intense low back pain from running but guess what...I still went to the gym and worked out through the pain to the point I could not move but I just would not stop. I learned to let my body rest for a day or so and started jump roping again in place of running.

    I hope it all works out for you.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    You ruptured your soleus and not your gastrocnemious? Interesting. Are you having surgery to reconnect it??

    Very interesting. Usually it is the tendon that ruptures, and the soleus and gastroc are attached through the same tendon - the Achilles. That sucks though. Do what you have to do to rehab it, i wouldn't recommend any arm or other exercises for a while, especially if you are getting it repaired. Afterwards, you may be able to ask your MD about arm exercises or maybe even some abs. What i do recommend is taking the time to make sure you are stretching your other body parts daily.

    Did you really lose 20 inches? or was that a typo?

    I was wondering the same thing - maybe she meant 20 inches all around everywhere combined? That's pretty awesome still.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Ouch. I'm so sorry that happened. Yeah I think people go crazy with exercise sometimes. A friend of mine told me her trainer said she should only exercise every other day. I was working out 6 days a week and was having this horrible hamstring pain. Once I backed off a little, I didn't hurt anymore. The weight actually started coming off faster when I stopped killing myself with the workouts.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    You ruptured your soleus and not your gastrocnemious? Interesting. Are you having surgery to reconnect it??

    Apparently this is pretty common, usually among younger women "weekend warriors" they call them..... Women who are active only on weekends and strain their calf muscles, usually not quite this severe tho... :(

    In my case, my muscles never had a chance to rest...the soleus swelled further and had nowhere else to go but out... :(

    I did not sever it completely, so i do not have to have a surgery to reconnect it
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Very interesting. Usually it is the tendon that ruptures, and the soleus and gastroc are attached through the same tendon - the Achilles. That sucks though. Do what you have to do to rehab it, i wouldn't recommend any arm or other exercises for a while, especially if you are getting it repaired. Afterwards, you may be able to ask your MD about arm exercises or maybe even some abs. What i do recommend is taking the time to make sure you are stretching your other body parts daily.

    Did you really lose 20 inches? or was that a typo?

    Full or partial rupture of the soleus muscle usually occurs when the calf muscle becomes stretched while it is contracting.

    It is more typical for older men, 40 + who are trying to get back into shape to injury their Achilles. Although the same muscles are involved this injury is quite different. Achilles obviously affects the ankle area, this injury is in my muscle bed under my knee, it can be on the inside of the calf or the outside, mine is on the inside.

    Because i did not completely severe it in half, i do not require reconstructive surgery, unfortunately there is also no rehab available for an injured Soleus. Only complete rest, if i strain it at all, it could hinder recovery & also make me prone to re injuring it. There are not even water excercises or stretching that will help nurse this back faster.

    I was also fully stretched before this happened, I was an hour into my workout, there was no stress on my leg, it was in the air when this happened, which is how this injury occurs.

    Thursday i leave with my family for a 2 week holiday....i will take that time off & hope that it heals sooner than later... :(

    *** And NO the 20 inches was not a typo :smile: but it was an all over loss. ***
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Ooooh okay, I was confused when you said you ruptured it. Ruptured means that it's not attached anymore. So you have a partial tear.

    Well, make sure that you let it rest! It will be frustrating but rushing to come back before it's ready leads to more injuries down the road. You're going to lay down scar tissue in that area so it will always be weaker than what it was before so keep that in mind when you get back into the swing of things.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Hhhmmmm, ok, well the Doc said " ruptured " so I am just going by what he said, but it is still attached.
    It is frustrating already, I am not wanting to rest!!! :(

    You seem to pretty well informed.... Please explain about the scar tissue....

    Any excercise or stretching, anything in a pool perhaps that you think might help.... Or only rest!!!