Too much fruit?

So im weirdly obsessed with fruit.
I could eat it all day.
I get so much carbs and natural sugars from fruit & its about half of what I eat in a day.
im trying to get more protein but i just love fruit way too much.
fruit is healthy, but is it bad that i eat too much fruit?
im trying to get toned and idk if fruit is helping with that.


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Eating a lot of fruit is only an issue f you are eating so much it means that you are not getting a balanced diet i.e. it stops you hitting your macros and getting other micronutrients.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    I agree ^^^
    I looooove fruit. It won't make you fat. I eat a lot too, just make sure you have protein, healthy fats and veggies to go with it!!

    Edited to add: you're skinny!! 5'4 and 111 lbs?! I wouldn't worry about fruit. You should eat at maintenance and lift HEAVY if you want to tone!!
  • well i still get protein everyday and grains and stuff..
    just more fruit than both of those.
    im still very healthy.
    but since fruit is packed with carbs.. will that stop me from getting toned and lean?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I'm a fruit freak too and have had to seriously bring it down a notch...but only because I have a certain macro nutrient goal I'm trying to achieve (40/30/30). If it's throwing your macros out of whack then you need to adjust...otherwise, it's a much better choice than cookies, cake, and pies in terms of what kind of carbs you are taking in. I don't know anyone that has become obese or has had other food related medical issues arise from eating too many fruits and's usually not eating enough that gets people sick.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    well i still get protein everyday and grains and stuff..
    just more fruit than both of those.
    im still very healthy.
    but since fruit is packed with carbs.. will that stop me from getting toned and lean?

    No, it won't stop you...but to get toned and lean you have to do resistance training in addition to cardio. Cardio alone isn't going to cut it. To actually build muscle you need more protein...roughly 1 gram for every Lb of lean body my estimation from looking at your photo, I would think that would be pretty close to your total weight. Try adjusting your macros in MFP manually to 25-30% of your caloric intake for protein and fat and 40-50% for carbs and see how that works for you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    well i still get protein everyday and grains and stuff..
    just more fruit than both of those.
    im still very healthy.
    but since fruit is packed with carbs.. will that stop me from getting toned and lean?

    As I noted - only if you do not get enough protein. But as has already been suggested - eat at maintenance and strength train.
  • yeah my macros are currently 40-30-30
    but i usually get like 60-25-15 by the end of the day.
    idk how to add more protein because im not a huge fan of like
    eggs anymore cause ive eaten them too much and my mom is sorta vegan now so
    we dont buy chicken. and ugh:/ i try eating morning star but it tastes fake):
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    If you like cottage cheese, try mixing some fruit into that. Then you're getting the protein you're worried about, and your fruit fix.
  • i dont like cottage cheese:/
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    yeah my macros are currently 40-30-30
    but i usually get like 60-25-15 by the end of the day.
    idk how to add more protein because im not a huge fan of like
    eggs anymore cause ive eaten them too much and my mom is sorta vegan now so
    we dont buy chicken. and ugh:/ i try eating morning star but it tastes fake):
    Your mom =/= you. You need more protein if you want to build some muscle and get fitter.
  • idk what your mom=/=you means. but ok
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Mom doesn't equal you :P
  • I normally mix some fruit in with plain Greek yogurt and touch of honey or stevia-- get a healthy dose of easy protein, plus my fruit fix.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    If you are worried about your other macros, why not eat stuff with your fruit? Peanut butter, cheese, nuts, etc?
  • cause i like fruit so much that i like it alone. it tastes better alone.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I just looked through your food diary, and I have a couple suggestions… replace the different yogurts that you eat with plain Greek yogurt, and add some of your fruit to that. This will bring your protein up a little and your carbs down a little, which you need. Also, you eat at a deficit way to much for your size, not very good for you. I would suggest that you start having a protein shake once a day, after your workout. You definitely need to get more protein in your diet. I can give you some of my smoothie recipes if you want. They are carb heavy, obviously, but they also have a lot of protein and other great stuff in them! Hit me up if you are interested.
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    Can't eat too much fruit, but don't forget your greens!
  • i dont like plain greek yogurt, i tried it once and its just so icky.
    i mixed berries and peanutbutter and cinnamon in it and it made me almost gag.
    idk what to do:/
    i do have some protein whey iso-100 in my cabinet though,
    but my bf said that if i drink it, itll just make me gain:/
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    i dont like plain greek yogurt, i tried it once and its just so icky.
    i mixed berries and peanutbutter and cinnamon in it and it made me almost gag.
    idk what to do:/
    i do have some protein whey iso-100 in my cabinet though,
    but my bf said that if i drink it, itll just make me gain:/

    Ask him how exactly it will do that. Hint: it will not.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm obsessed with fruit, too :) Berries or apples or bananas in oatmeal is amazing