
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have read a lot of the advice giving for people that are stuck and I don't understand why I am!

I am consuming the right amount of calories (eating about half of my workout calories, sometimes more, sometimes a bit less)
I work out 5-6 days a week, ranging from 30 minutes to - 55 minutes. I am doing Cardio Max, Tae Bo, the elliptical, and the occasional run with the wii.

I am not dropping pounds and I am not even losing inches. I don't get why I am stuck. I can only think there is something wrong with my diet, but it seems okay to me!

I don't know if there is a way you can view my food log? Maybe someone can help me find the problem? :(


  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    when u say ure eatin half your workout calories what do you mean?

    this to me means if you burned 2500 cals your eatin 1250cals? if so you're body is probably in starvation mode so every calorie you consume then it will cling onto and store....that's what I understand from your post? am i wrong?

    I try to eat calories equal to my BMR around 1440 so each day I should neither gain or lose weight - then I do resistance training to make a deficit and hopefully build lean muscle....

    hope this helps
  • Say my work out was worth 300 calories, I am normally consuming my regular 1200 calories plus around another 150 calories (half my work out calories) .. I am normally eating around 1350 - 1400 calories a day.
  • What you're eating sounds about right to me and I don't think you're too many calories under to go into starvation mode.

    Do you weigh or measure everything you have?? That would be my recommendation just to check you're not fooling yourself because if you don't actually check you're sure to be going over.

    The other bit of advice I would give you is maybe a bit less cheese etc and more fresh fruit if you're stuck - something to vary your diet and see if you can get going.

    Do you eat plenty of fibre and have regular bowel movements? And drink plenty of water too.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    So let me preface this by saying I know very little about you. All I know is that you're at 1200 calories and exercise for a few hundred most days.

    But I did look at your food diary, first off, right off the bat, you don't eat anywhere near enough veggies, 1 to 2 servings of veggies isn't enough, and you gotta mix it up. I saw 1/2 a Red Bell pepper and some broccoli thrown in here and there, you gotta do more than that, at LEAST 2 more servings of veggies EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    second, I looked at about a month of your diary, and there were quite a few holes (you really need to be more disciplined than that if you want success), but from the days that I did see, you're averaging about 200 calories below your goal, that's no good, you might as well have it set to 1000 calories a day, bad stuff, get to your goal every day, give it a month of consistancy, log your food every day, eat the right food every day, and then see what the results are, really you can't kinda sorta follow the routine and then say your frustrated that it doesn't work, you have to follow it strictly.

    Later, when you need to do less to stay where you are, you can be more flexible, but when you're at a big deficit (and I have no idea whether that deficit is right for you or not) you need to be very strict following the rules.
  • Hey, LADYKRASHY, I have just had a look at your food diary, most of your food seems ok, but perhaps think about changing your cereal as a lot of the special k type cereals can have an awful lot of sugar in them which could be a problem as it is refined sugar rather than sugar from fruits. Think about having something like porridge with fresh fruit, you will still get the carbs you need but the sugar won't be refined, unless you add it.

    Try eating all of your workout calories, as you do need to eat them back otherwise your deficit will be too big.

    I hope this helps. :flowerforyou:
  • How do we read another person's food diary???

    But I do measure all of my food. I just think I need to take the advice of adding some more veggies and starting my morning a little different.
  • maybe hormones involved.. have you watched your sodium levels sometimes that could put a stop on weight loss..
  • I don't know if this makes a difference? But I just stopped breastfeeding about a month ago. I was breastfeeding exclusively for a year. I really don't know if my body is holding onto fat for it???
  • How long have you been doing this? It took me a little more than a month before I saw any results. I was just about ready to give up and decided to give it one more week...I'm so glad I did! Hang in there and remember the goal isn't just to lose weight...the goal is to develop healthy life-time habits.
    Mary B.
  • How do we read another person's food diary???

    You click on the persons name, and it takes you to their profile, if their diary is open to the public you will see a button that says view diary. You can also scroll further down the page and look at their exercise diary.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Heather, I looked at your diary and thought the same as Banks did... you have several holes. Are these holes where you didn't enter your food, or were they skipped meals? Many days you are several hundred calories under your 1200 calorie goal.

    I also noted that you are at 1200 calories baseline. That is the least number of calories MFP will allow your goal to be set. That tells me, that your BMR minus deficit is most likely below 1200. So, for starters, I would check your BMR. Then check your goal. Is your goal sending your body into starvation mode? Perhaps you might want to adjust your goal so that it is only about 20% of your BMR, then use exercise (rather than food intake) to establish your deficit.
  • I don't skip meals ... normally breastfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, and dinner. The holes just mean I was too lazy to record it. I have been doing since January 1st, but really hard at it since Feb 1st.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    I would say try to supplement with a small amount of GOOD fats....1oz almonds something like that. I didn't get over my plateau until i started changing what KIND of fats I ate. And of course, more veg and eat ALL your calories!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    You have to be sure to keep your muscle mass up as you lose weight or, no matter how much you lose, you risk putting it back on very easily. To do this, you have to be sure that you are not going below your recommended calorie intake--meaning that you need to eat back ALL of the exercise calories. Also, have you tried incorporating resistance work? Even when I don't lose poundage, doing resistance exercise gives me great (and fast!) results. There are a host of DVDs out there that combine resistance work with cardio. My preferred method is a short 15-20 minute circuit several times a week (modeled off of the workouts featured here: This both gets my heart pumping and gives my muscles a workout. (I also take a brisk walk with a heavy backpack for an hour a day as my "slow burn" cardio.)
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    I agree with the others' advice about eating healthy choices to reach your daily goal. If you've lost 28 pounds since Jan. 1, that is AWESOME!!! It adds up to about a 1/2 pound per day! I'd bet most on MFP yearn for that kind of weight loss! Keep up the great work. The results will come in time.
  • I lost 28 pounds since I had my baby a year ago. I wish it was since January!!! r
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