So glad I went!

Let's be honest.... I did NOT want to hit the gym when I woke up this morning. I'm feeling lethargic, irritable and bloated. All I wanted to do was veg on the couch with a bowl (or two) of Special K and stare blankly at the TV. However, I told myself "Just go. Get on the treadmill and burn 100 calories. Anything is better than NOTHING!" So I did.

But when I got there, it felt so good to go mediocre speed that I kicked up another mph and put some incline in there and WOO HOO! It felt so good, I actually got in a set of ab training as well, before getting BACK on the treadmill for another trot! There is nothing that can replace the feel of the cool morning on your face when you walk out of the gym after a good work out and the "rush" of what must be endorphins. I feel almost high.

I'm so glad I went. I guess the moral of the story? Set your mind and your body will follow! And even participate sometimes! :laugh:


  • jamieseward
    That is a very true statement! I can come up with a million reasons why not to workout! It's rainy, cold, snowy, too hot, too dark....... the list goes on and on! So now once I put it in mind once that I'm going to go workout, I make sure I get there no matter what even if there is a foot of snow! I can make it work then I can go to the gym!!!! So glad you decided to go!!!! :happy:
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    That's so awesome, good for you!

    That happens to me a lot if I sleep in. I will dread working out, but feel like a million bucks afterward!
  • mlipsey
    I'm so proud of you. I was in the same boat yesterday. I dreaded the thought of going to the gym yesterday. But when I got there I pounded that elliptical for a WHOLE 45 min AND lifted weights. OH yeah.