Ankle Strengthening!

Hi guys,
I have really really weak ankles and need to make them stronger. I have resistance bands from a physio and use these to do the set exercises but wondered if anyone has any suggestions of exercises that I can do to strengthen them more! dont have gym membership (too much student debt to afford it) so do ALL workout at home.



    I have been doing yoga to help my ankles. Palm Tree and Chair have really helped my ankles get stronger in the last 2 months.
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Brilliant thanks, I find palm tree helps a little but i dont half notice how weak they are when doing it! wii fit tells me 'im very shakey' tee hee!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Make sure you spend plenty of time on balance work too! Part of "weak ankles" is poor feedback on position so we turn our ankles more easily - try brushing your teeth while balanced on one foot :tongue:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Make sure you spend plenty of time on balance work too! Part of "weak ankles" is poor feedback on position so we turn our ankles more easily - try brushing your teeth while balanced on one foot :tongue:


    When injured, once you get past the immediate post rehab stage, balance exercises and other proprioceptive exercises are the most important IMO.

    If you haven't done them before, I would still try doing some heel raises (one leg and two leg) as well as some inversion/eversion exercises against a heavy object or using a resistance band.

    However, doing balancing exercises like you describe is very helpful. You can start with simple things like the tooth brushing scenario you described, or try standing on one leg w/arms outstretched and then close your eyes--that's always a shock the first time.

    To introduce more instability stand on a rolled-up or bunched up towel, or on a couch cushion, or on a couch cushion placed on top of a bunched up or rolled up towel. Again, try to balance on one leg, and then repeat by balancing on one leg and doing a simple exercise like biceps curls.

    When that starts to get easy, then you can try more advanced skipping, hopping, grapevine, and figure-8 moves.

    I suspect if you look up "ankle rehabilitation exercises" on teh Googlez, you will find even more ideas.