Anyone got any exercise tips for shifting belly weight?

leannemr Posts: 48
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
My main problem is storing fat around my middle. Particularly around the belly, hips and backside. Does anyone have any good fat burning exercise tips for shifting this "middle" fat? What are the best exercises to do? I do aerobics once a week, circuits twice a week and try to run at least once a week but I still cannot seem to shift the excess middle weight. I only need to lose around 8lbs but am finding it hard. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Leanne.


  • Can't spot reduce (or shift) - fat comes off in layers or sheets across the entire body.

    May I suggest P90X.

    Good luck
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I have read a few articles that Interval work outs help with this. good luck! I have the same problem :(
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I also found this the hardest area to lose. I was running 20 miles a week or more and couldn't get rid of it. Three weeks ago (Really!) I started using the ChaLEAN Extreme workout DVD a running friend had introduced me to. I've lost 3 inches from my hips, my stomach is flatter and none of my pants fit! LOL Love it! It is a weight training DVD that also includes plyometrics (short bursts of intense cardio). I'd be glad to tell you more. Just send me a private message if you like.
  • burner
    burner Posts: 72 Member
    Can't spot reduce (or shift) - fat comes off in layers or sheets across the entire body.

    May I suggest P90X.

    Good luck

    this is correct - can only burn fat across your whole body. Where you store fat is genetically predisposed and unfortunately you (and I) store it on your mid-riff.

    So keep up low calorie diet and do exercise - also lift weights to increase muscle to fat ratio. tone up your stomach to make it stronger and make it appear flatter.

    also look up an exercise called 'vacuums' I think - basically its where you suck in your belly and hold it - look up for better explanation

    fat is burned first from the last place it was stored - as it is more easily accessible - and vice versa - fat is store where it last was burned - or so I heard - tell me if I'm wrong here..

    good luck!
  • Try aerobic exercises which require you to twist through your waist!
  • I notice my belly weight is at it's best when I'm eating all fresh, homemade food - nothing 'in a box'. Also keep breads to a minimum. This also helps get rid of cellulite.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I'd recommend some pilates workouts: CRUNCH Gym puts out a pretty decent series. If you have Netflix, there are tons of pilates dvds available to watch instantly. I've also heard good things about the cable exercise channel (I wouldn't know, don't have cable).

    Look for anything that focuses on core strengthening. Pilates core work is based on a ballet movement called a contraction--a tightening and holding of the core muscles that focuses the balance and center of gravity, making you more firm and centered (and therefore easier for your dance partner to lift and manipulate). Working on these muscles, along with crunches, leg bicycles, reverse sit ups, back leg extensions, etc, will help flatten and tone your stomach.

    As for the fat deposits... keep going with your nutrition plan, be patient and persistent, and get plenty of sleep!!! Yes, lack of sleep can cause you to retain as much as 1lb a week, so don't skimp on sleep just to squeeze in a workout, lol. I'm guilty of this.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I also found this the hardest area to lose. I was running 20 miles a week or more and couldn't get rid of it. Three weeks ago (Really!) I started using the ChaLEAN Extreme workout DVD a running friend had introduced me to. I've lost 3 inches from my hips, my stomach is flatter and none of my pants fit! LOL Love it! It is a weight training DVD that also includes plyometrics (short bursts of intense cardio). I'd be glad to tell you more. Just send me a private message if you like.

    I totally agree with this person. You can try 30 day shred also. That worked well for me.
  • tntrav44
    tntrav44 Posts: 100 Member
    I second the 30 Day Shred suggestion. I LOVE it!
  • Try speed walking...believe it or not the fast paced walking firms the abs while also working your hips and thighs.

    I was just reading this morning on Denise Austins website about "pleis" or "plies" the ballet exercise which is basically a variation on squats.
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member

    I was just reading this morning on Denise Austins website about "pleis" or "plies" the ballet exercise which is basically a variation on squats.

    Pleis, demi or grande, really target your inner thighs. You won't see that much toning in your stomach from doing pleis. Although, they're great for your posture... and your backside!
  • Thanks guys - loads of useful stuff to try out!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks KellyGirl! There are tools out there that really work! No hype, no fad. It takes effort, but with the right tools you can really change your body!:bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm going to have to 3rd the 30 day shred vote. It's $10 at Walmart. Works GREAT! I did it consitantly for 2-3 weeks now and have lost about 3 inches off my waist.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Lots of great tips there! I don't think you can spot reduce by exercise. I do believe it's mostly what we eat in that case. I could be wrong. I do know that diet and exercise over time will, will get rid of it! Just keep at it. You'll see a change!
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