60 Days

So I've committed to do a 60 day juicing program. My inspiration comes from the movie Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. Im not doing it as intensely as Joe did (I will be eating a small sandwich or a salad and a bag of nuts throughout the day along with the juicing). I guess what I'm looking for is support while i do this. I've made and unmade so many goals. I'm sick of being fat. I feel like a skinny person in a fat body. It will be tough, but as inspiring as MFP family and while watching FSND every day, i really hope this works out.Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks


  • returntorural
    returntorural Posts: 339 Member
    Best of luck to you!

    Do you have resources for different kinds of juices/recipes? You might get tired of having the same ones again and again.
    Also, do make sure you're getting enough calories to keep your body running and healthy!