setting a weight goal using a decrease in body fat %?

Assuming I want to keep rather than lose muscle I'm not sure if my weight loss goal of losing a stone is realistic. I currently weigh 11 stone 5 (159 pounds) and according to an online body fat percentage calculator my body fat percentage is 27.19%. To lose a stone would bring me down to 145 pounds and if it was all fat that I managed to lose I calculate that my body fat percentage would then be around 19% which seems very low.

Any guidance mfpers? Is losing a stone realistic? I realise already I am likely to lose some muscle tone and could then work on putting it back. Is that the best way from here? I have plenty of wobbly mid section to lose after christmas but actually my legs and arms don't need that much work in comparison. I am not hung up on the actual numbers just using them as a guide to try and set myself targets and work out a program to stick to. Thanks in advance guys :)