New Year - New Strategy?

Hey peeps!

I've been thinking after this week of holiday goodness and extreme over eating, that perhaps beginning monday i would attempt to go Paleo(ish) ...or as paleo as i can ..for the month of January. Just out of curiosity to see how it would go. I have a friend who currently has herself as well as her 4 year old son on a Paleo diet, and she's been blogging about it and posting pictures of food everyday. They seem to be thriving on it needless to say I'm curious. So this weekend I have already made up a meal plan for next week and am working on cleaning out my cupboards a bit ...I may have just used the last of my flour to construct a pizza lol. I figure if it's gotta go, i better make something delicious out of it.

Has anyone ever gone the way of Paleo? What was your experience like?