Pregnant and not loving it...

I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant with my third child. While I feel blessed to be having another bundle of joy this pregnancy has made me completely miserable. I have been sick every day for the past 11 1/2 weeks. I have nausea all day which often leads to gagging and vomiting. I have no energy and would sleep all day if I could (I can't due to having two other kiddos to take care of as well as attending nursing school). I feel like I need to be eating all day because a full stomach help cut down on the nausea and I have not been able to consistently do any type of workout. Because of this and my limited pallet on what even looks/tastes appetizing I have already packed on 10 pounds (I was already carrying too much weight before pregnancy). I feel bloated, fat, and very unattractive. I live in sweats because I can't fit into any of my other pants. My doctor and nurses keep telling me it will get better in my second trimester, that I will feel less sick and have more energy. I'm really hoping they are right. Am I the only one feeling this way? I'd love to turn this pregnancy around and make it my best instead of my worst! What tips, trick, or motivations got you through?


  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    No, you are describing my entire pregnancy. Both times. If you happen to be in the USA they will do nothing for you unless you manage to lose weight. I tried sea bands (bracelets for pressure points in your wrists), B vitamins, and lemons/sour things- all helped somewhat, and briefly. It is true that for 95% of people it goes away by week 20. So your odds are good! I was told its better to stay hydrated if you can. Huge hugs. I can't honestly say anything made it actually go away, but it is ultimately worth it.

    ETA I lived with it okay just by thinking it was going to go away any day for a long time. Then after the baby starts kicking, watching ultrasounds and lying around feeling the kicks was pretty motivating. Although there were many days I still kind of wanted to die. I repeat it is worth it though!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Chances are good you will start to feel better in your second trimester. Drink a ton of water and SLEEP! As much as you can. your body with thank you for it.
    Once you get farther along in your pregnancy, other foods should start to taste better, and at that point, I would start focusing on eating better. Exercise when you can, but don't fret too much about it.

    Hang in there! Know it's tough. :/