Brand New

Hi Everyone, I am new to this site, and I love it. It is so easy to use the food and exercise trackers. I was told about this site by a Church member. I am so motivated (mind ) but I am moving a little slow with the body. I am getting up early every morning and using the thread mill for 15 minutes. I started with 5 minutes. I feel so much better (more energy). I know I am on a new Journey and I am looking forward to it.


  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    This is sooo great!! Life style changes like this take time, patience and consistency. You're right, don't over do it, but do something. Something is better than nothing! Remember that this is for you and you alone, so accept with a smile the ups, downs and bumps along the way. Keep smiling through it all. You can do it, you are doing it. Stay motivated and your will power strong! Welcome to MFP and well wishes on your journey. It does help having an easy to use site. :flowerforyou:
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Welcome, I hope you get like I am, and spread the news of MFP to anyone you talk to, who even hints at losing weight/getting into shape, etc...

    Advice for MFP newbies:

    1. If you don’t already have one, buy a wok.
    Stir fry is quick, easy, filling, and yummy!!!!
    2. If you don’t already have one, buy a food scale.
    You might be surprise at how much (or little) something really weighs.
    3. If you haven’t already done so, take before pictures.
    You will want them when you lose your weight.
    4. If you haven’t already done so, take your measurements (neck, chest, hips, waist).
    You will hit a plateau (not if, but when) and when you do, you will be happy to see your measurements go down, even if your weight doesn’t.
    5. Make sure you eat all your allotted calories. Failure to do so could send you into starvation mode, and you will not lose weight.
    You will see debate regarding exercise calories… my suggestion is that it depends on the person. But always eat at least as many calories as your BMR.
    6. Make sure you drink plenty of water.
    It flushes your system, as well as keeping your cells hydrated. Coffee, tea, sodas, etc… do not count.
    7. Make sure you exercise.
    I bet you didn’t get here because you exercised too much.
    8. If you don’t have one, get a heart rate monitor.
    Make sure it has a chest strap, and make sure it records calories burned. You will find that exercise machines are inaccurate, and the calorie numbers given in the exercise diary are just guesses for somebody else’s body.
    9. Don’t give up… if you feel like you haven’t lost any weight, check your measurements and look at your before pictures.
    If you are still discouraged, get some support here at MFP!!!
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    Thank you:smile:
  • lovelypen50
    lovelypen50 Posts: 192 Member
    Thanks for the great advice. I'm on my way.:smile: