If it were easy, everyone would do it

I'm coming up on my latest anniversary for fitness. On Jan 6, 2012, I got on the scale and saw the number 238. I knew that I had been eating poorly, and not being serious of my workouts, but this was still a very nasty wake up call. On that day, I decided that enough was enough, and would make the commitment to getting in better shape. I decided that my goal of getting below 200 was a good place to start and devoted myself to moving towards that goal. I stopped eating between meals, I logged into MFP and tracked every morsel that passed my lips,( I was too embarrassed to log my initial weight, which is why my weight loss is a bit off.) I devoted time to the gym, and started lifting weights again. I slowly started losing weight and feeling more confident.
In March, I started the Insanity program that I borrowed from my sister, with the commitment that if I started, no matter what, i would do every single workout every single day. Some days were tougher than others, (such as the night I did it at 11:00 pm because I went to a baseball game), but on day 60, I could say that I completed it. I hit my goal of 199, and rewarded myself with a very nice chronometer. When people I work with began noticing, asking for advice, and commenting on my diet, I knew that I was getting some of the results I wanted.
I have hit a low of 185, and while I have moved back to around 191, I'm by no means done. I am taking an MMA class, and would like to do an amateur tournament, but as a welterweight, which would be 170.
I'm not currently doing Insanity, but my own hybrid workout program including very HIIT cardio, and heavy weight lifting in a drop set style program. I'm continuing to monitor my food intake, making sure that my Macros are in line, including going heavy on protein intake for rebuilding muscle. Not every day is good, and some days are a struggle to stay in the gym for any length of time. I have shoulder issues that include nerve damage in the right one, and the left one needs a surgical repair , but I still fight on.
If you are frustrated with your progress, or struggling to get started or plateauing at a weight, know that it sometimes takes patience, sometimes it takes a new approach, but never NEVER give up on the ultimate goal. It is hard. Its supposed to be. You didn't gain all that weight with a pill or in a week, its going to take time and effort.
It doesn't matter if your goal is to be healthier, look better naked, or be at a safer weight, just remember that the person that you should be trying to impress the most is YOURSELF. You should always working towards your own success, and not worrying about what others say if they have negative remarks.
