Getting Over Exercise Embaressment?



  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    everyone sing the nipple warmup song !! nipple niple strong and proud round and pointy sing out loud nipple nipple see me cold jump right in and grab ahold nipple nipple warm and soft know your ready to strarrrrrt
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I cant let my husband watch me do aerobics. pretty funny when you think about it. hes seen me naked, which is scary in its own right, he was there when I got a c section and was cut in half, but i'll be damned if he sees me work out. he goes into our room and plays a game or watches a movie so I can work out.

    Haha funny isn't it! My husband has seen me give birth twice, but I really don't want to exercise in front of him! He bought me a Zumba game for the X Box for xmas and I haven't tried it out yet. I was waiting for when I had some peace and quiet and privacy!

    I'm not bothered when I go to the gym though. I don't think anyone pays anyone else any attention.

    I know right! Man has stayed with me in the bathroom, holding my hair back through morning sickness, but no, if im working out and he comes through, it automatically shuts off. I want to try zumba, sounds fun, but with the gym, I don't care whose there.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Why are you embarassed? Do you feel he is going to judge you? If he's a caring loving husband he will just be proud of you which will hopefully boost your motivation to keep on keeping on.

    It's just embarrassing because he's in really good shape even though he smokes, and eats like it's his last meal!

    I guess it just annoys me having him around when I'm working so hard to get what he has without trying... damn green eyed monster! :P
    I know that feeling. my hubby lives off fast food and I think pepsi and monster runs through his veins instead of blood. he 6'2 and barely 195, when wet, wearing cinder blocks.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I would do it in our bedroom but the bed hardly fits in it! Let alone me jumping about >< haha.

    I'll have to start getting up earlier... which is hard because this household doesn't even think about getting out of bed until 9am!

    No excuses I suppose... but waking up kids will really suck :( Just gotta do it.

    Why do you need to wake the kids up? Just leave them sleeping, turn the volume down or get yourself some reasonably priced wireless earphones.
  • Jess21684
    Jess21684 Posts: 202 Member
    yea if the embarassment stops you, try getting outside and working out, go for a walk or run. Honestly, I felt weird at first with my ex and would want to do workout dvds at home but over time I got over it.. Honestly, your man will probably find it totally sexy that your working out and he wont think nothing but good from it :) I would just try to gather up courage to just workout and try to block out any thoughts on it and it will get easier over time or ask him if he can go in another room maybe, my ex usually wouldnt sit literally right in from of me and stare the whole time, usually would be watching tv in our room while I was in the living room working out. Im sure if you explain that its a little akward for you if he is around, he could find something to do or be in another room at least :) either way, he probably finds it attractive that your working out and taking care of yourself, its a good thing. dont let it stop you from kicking butt!!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I live in a studio apartment so I just had to learn to work out with him right there with me. I was embarrassed to do it in front of him, too, but realized that there just wasn't enough space for me to sequester myself. Sometimes I do it while he's at work, but overall, I just give him stern looks if he giggles. Sometimes I have to tell him not to make me laugh - even I have to admit I sometimes look a little silly while doing my Pilates.
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    I used to have this problem. I hated the thought that "everyone was going to laugh at the fat guy exercising." In the gym, or running on the road, wherever. "They" were watching and laughing.

    I just said "I don't give a F%#. I'm out here exercising, and they are all sitting on their backsides in cars passing by, or sitting on a gym machine taking up space.

    Just do it for you, and screw what anyone else thinks about it. =)

    love this :)
  • Landiecat
    Bless this topic.

    Edit :
    Ugh, I hate that I'm so embarrassed to workout in front of people. I've lost so much weight, everybody tells me I look fantastic, and it doesn't mean a darn thing when it comes to exercise embarrassment. I usually close the door to our spare bedroom, and workout in there in the morning, before my boyfriend wakes up. I can't lock the door though, so there have been plenty of times when my Mom has just busted in on me.

    Yeah, I can't even workout in front of my mom. Most of the time, if she bursts in, the endorphins do a 360 and I have myself a little tantrum and just give up on working out that day. Sounds silly, I know.

    I figure I'm going to have to get over it somehow though ; The boyfriend & I are moving into an apartment in a few months, and I won't have a spare bedroom to workout in. :c
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    ive been with my other half for 4 years now and ive NEVER done exercise infront of him, this is aerobics dvds (i dont mind running outdoors with him) and i would sneakily do it whilst he was sleeping or out.
    however, he literally just looked at the computer screen to see what i was doing and saw this page and said
    ''are you embarrassed to exercise infront of me''
    and i said ''ofcourse! you'd sit there and mock me cus i know i look stupid doing the aerobics''
    and his response was ''i wouldnt mock you. i wouldnt just sit there and watch you!''

    which was a complete surprise to me! i imagined him sitting on the sofa behind me laughin at me and probs making sexual comments lol. but now i know he wouldnt even be bothered and would just leave me to it :)

    so maybe you should just mention it to him? just say ''i want to exercise but i dont want u watching me'' and he probs wont even be bothered
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I used to have this problem. I hated the thought that "everyone was going to laugh at the fat guy exercising." In the gym, or running on the road, wherever. "They" were watching and laughing.

    I just said "I don't give a F%#. I'm out here exercising, and they are all sitting on their backsides in cars passing by, or sitting on a gym machine taking up space.

    Just do it for you, and screw what anyone else thinks about it. =)

  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    It was hard as heck, particularly since my husband has a tendency to make daft comments, and I get really pissed off when I work out. A very bad combination.

    But I toughed out the embarrassment and he stays quiet for the most part when I work out, and he's taken to giving me a thumbs up if he has to pass my sight line, which has turned into a big help.

    I really do think it's one of those things where you just have to push yourself for a little while until you're used to it.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    If you have Wii/Kinect, play that together. :)

    Or go for a brisk walk together? Or go to the park and play football with your kid?
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Exercise is like a bodily function to me. I do it in private, except for the gym. The gym is like a public restroom--don't look at anyone else, and hope nobody is looking at you. That would just be creepy.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I don't get that - not being snarky or critical....:flowerforyou:
    Don't let anything inhibit you from doing what you need to do in order to reach your goals.
    If it's that much of an issue, tell him.
    And explain that you need him gone for an hour while you train. If my wife told me that, I'd be thrilled she was exercising and happily accommodate.
    And as others have mentioned, try something different like a nice walk - anything, but don't skip your exercise.
    Good Luck!
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    My husband caught me doing a yoga DVD once and at first I was really embarrassed, but then I realized he had a very positive "reaction." After that I was like, "if you're nice to me, I'll let you watch me do yoga." My advice, do a yoga or stretching DVD. You won't look as silly as an uncoordinated attempt at aerobics or a fast paced DVD. Another option is to lookup stretches and/or calisthenics online and go off a list you make. You probably look adorable to him when you're working out.
  • Staffygirl88
    Staffygirl88 Posts: 75 Member
    Exercise is like a bodily function to me. I do it in private, except for the gym. The gym is like a public restroom--don't look at anyone else, and hope nobody is looking at you. That would just be creepy.

  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    I completely feel the same way. my husband has seen me at my best and my worst, but I feel too self conscious to wo in front of him. Of course he says I shouldn't, and that I should be an inspiration, but it is what it is. But he's awesome about it and let's me have the bedroom to for cardio, the weights are in the dining room.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I was more embarrassed at being obese and naked in front of my husband than I was at exercising in front of him.

    That said, when I first started (my primary exercise is doing Leslie Sansone Walking DVDs) he would sometimes come in the room and make what was, to me, mocking noises like imitating Leslie Sansone (she's really upbeat, cheerful, and perky) and/or standing right next to me and walking in place for a few minutes. I told him to stop doing that because I felt like he was making fun of me. He was so surprised, he actually thought he was being encouraging!! lol WUT. But he stopped because I asked him to :smile:
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    My dh pretends to join in when I do fitness DVDs or play on the wii, and I LOVE it! He finds it harder than I do, so just does it in a silly way, which makes it more fun for me. I wasn't brought up to be serious about things, so this works well for me.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I would do it in our bedroom but the bed hardly fits in it! Let alone me jumping about >< haha.

    I'll have to start getting up earlier... which is hard because this household doesn't even think about getting out of bed until 9am!

    No excuses I suppose... but waking up kids will really suck :( Just gotta do it.

    Why do you need to wake the kids up? Just leave them sleeping, turn the volume down or get yourself some reasonably priced wireless earphones.

    The exercising itself is what would wake them up! All the bedrooms and very close to the living room.

    Thanks to all the ladies who made me feel like it's not just me xx