New Member doing Insanity

Hey guys,

I'm a newbie to myfitnesspal but I absolutely love this site!!!:smile:

My GF and I just started Insanity. We're on Day 11 (Cardio Recovery). The first week was brutal. I'm not going to lie but we are getting stronger and lasting longer through the workouts. For me Plyometric Cardio Circuit and Cardio Power and Resistance are the toughest workouts in month one. We haven't made it through any of the workouts w/out stopping but that is a personal goal of mine. I really want to get through Plyo w/out stopping, however right now the level 2 drills are killing me.

One thing I'm having a tough time is calculating my caloric needs and actually recording how many calories I've burned. I probably just need to buy a device to calculate the calories burned. Any suggestions? Insanity says I should be consuming 2962 calories, My fitnesspal says 2100. I chose to go with around 2500 . In any event, if anyone has any advice regarding caloric intake or can recommend any good devices please let me know.

Lastly, we've started a blog to track out Insanity progress if any body wants to follow along with us.


  • williams3023
    I've heard good things about insanity. Sounds similar to P90x in some aspects, which i do now. Do you like it? I'm interested to see your results, sounds like you guys have some good goals set!
    Yeah I've heard Insanity often referred to as the P90X of cardio. I actually wanted to do P90X first but thought it might be a bit challenging for my lady, so we decided on Insanity. I actually love the workouts although some days due to fatigue I really stuggle. One of the things I love in the video is that the people working with Shaun T(the instructor) die in the video. They work to the point of exhaustion and have to stop. I can tell you there's nothing like watching a video and seeing a professional struggle just as much as you. In a weird way it's encouraging. Also Shaun T is a great coach he motivates you throughout every exercise and sometimes it feels as though he's talking directly to you.

    As far as results, I have my next weigh in on Sat. I'm expecting big results although I just recently tweaked my caloric intake from roughly 1700 a day to 2500. Insanity said I should be doing about 2900 but I just can't. I feel bloated eating so much.

    I'm giving a best effort to keeping our blog up to date. So check us out for day to day progress.

    Also depending on the outcome of the 60 days I may do P90X afterwards. How was the program for you?