cow milk alternatives??



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    im trying realllyyyy hard not to have cow milk but sadly im one of those people that is ADDICTED. i loovvveee milk ! but 1. its high in calories 2. its not all that good for you 3. hormones (because i would have holes in pocket if i bought organic every time) & 4.because the human species is the only one that drinks milk from other animals .

    i tried the new coconut milk & hated it . im eeehhh about almond milk because of the nutty taste it has to it & i like soy milk but i dnt want soy on a regular basis in my diet


    Drink cow milk, there are benefits to drinking it. Don't let myth and rumors dictate your decisions. It doesn't make sense, if you like it, drink it. There are probably more chemicals in your fruits and vegetables.

    what myths exactly? :)

    its scientifically proven that the "calcium" in conventional milk actually leaches calcium from your bones. (sorry to burst bubbles)
    Oh really? Care to share the scientific studies that prove it then? I've never found any in the thousands of nutritional studies I've read over the years, so I'd really like to see this "proof."

    Ditto I would really like to read these studies too because I have yet to read anything remotely supporting this claim......
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    im trying realllyyyy hard not to have cow milk but sadly im one of those people that is ADDICTED. i loovvveee milk ! but 1. its high in calories 2. its not all that good for you 3. hormones (because i would have holes in pocket if i bought organic every time) & 4.because the human species is the only one that drinks milk from other animals .

    i tried the new coconut milk & hated it . im eeehhh about almond milk because of the nutty taste it has to it & i like soy milk but i dnt want soy on a regular basis in my diet


    Drink cow milk, there are benefits to drinking it. Don't let myth and rumors dictate your decisions. It doesn't make sense, if you like it, drink it. There are probably more chemicals in your fruits and vegetables.

    what myths exactly? :)

    its scientifically proven that the "calcium" in conventional milk actually leaches calcium from your bones. (sorry to burst bubbles)

    Try drinking raw milk instead then. The calcium leech is probably all the soda and candy people eat anyway though
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Keep drinking your cow's milk if you like it.

    Skim milk doesn't have a ton of calories in it. Milk is very good for you to drink.

    THe hormones in milk concern you? Do you eat meat? The meat you purchase in stores and cook up at home is probably loaded with hormones.

    Personally I don't think there is a milk out there that is as good as cows milk.. If you like it, drink it.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    Drink organic milk. Goat milk tastes like goat to me. Almond milk is a nice alternative.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    im trying realllyyyy hard not to have cow milk but sadly im one of those people that is ADDICTED. i loovvveee milk ! but 1. its high in calories 2. its not all that good for you 3. hormones (because i would have holes in pocket if i bought organic every time) & 4.because the human species is the only one that drinks milk from other animals .

    human beings are the only ones that buy meat from the grocery store too. you going to start hunting??
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    im trying realllyyyy hard not to have cow milk but sadly im one of those people that is ADDICTED. i loovvveee milk ! but 1. its high in calories 2. its not all that good for you 3. hormones (because i would have holes in pocket if i bought organic every time) & 4.because the human species is the only one that drinks milk from other animals .

    i tried the new coconut milk & hated it . im eeehhh about almond milk because of the nutty taste it has to it & i like soy milk but i dnt want soy on a regular basis in my diet

    Why is it not good for you?
    What milk are you buying that have hormones added? I know they're not aloud to add them in Canada.
    Where did you get that human species are the only ones bull crap? I've seen wild animals drink cows milk from bottles. They'll absolutely drink it if given the opportunity. And there's lots of things that we can do that animals can't...that does not mean it's a bad thing.

    I switched to almond temporarily because I liked it and I'm not a big fan of cow milk. Then I switched back to milk for the nutrients and added protein.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    its scientifically proven that the "calcium" in conventional milk actually leaches calcium from your bones. (sorry to burst bubbles)


    Most people do not have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium that is in milk. Studies have shown that overdoing dairy consumption leads to greater bone density issues, especially in women. did you not get the memo??

    Seriously? Yet you recommend almond milk, which is generally fortified with MORE calcium than cow's milk, but has LESS vitamin D. So, if "most people don't have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium" (which is garbage, vitamin D deficiency is extremely rare, AS THE HUMAN BODY SYNTHESIZES IT,) then almond milk will leach even more calcium out of people's bones, and they would be much better off drinking cow's milk. Please try using some critical thinking and logic the next time you decide to go spreading misinformation and myths.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member

    its scientifically proven that the "calcium" in conventional milk actually leaches calcium from your bones. (sorry to burst bubbles)


    Most people do not have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium that is in milk. Studies have shown that overdoing dairy consumption leads to greater bone density issues, especially in women. did you not get the memo??

    Seriously? Yet you recommend almond milk, which is generally fortified with MORE calcium than cow's milk, but has LESS vitamin D. So, if "most people don't have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium" (which is garbage, vitamin D deficiency is extremely rare, AS THE HUMAN BODY SYNTHESIZES IT,) then almond milk will leach even more calcium out of people's bones, and they would be much better off drinking cow's milk. Please try using some critical thinking and logic the next time you decide to go spreading misinformation and myths.

    Roll eyes...I love how some people are jumping on the calcium isn't good for you bandwagon. You try doing without it and see how well you thrive. Most people should go outside more. And contrary to what you say, a lot of studies have shown that most people are not getting a sufficient amount of calcium in their diet. And as you've shown, they're not getting enough vitamin D, either.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    its scientifically proven that

    people on MFP will NEVER agree on milk, diet pop, sugar and even WATER!!!

    It's madness I tell ya
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I never heard of calcium leaching calcium from bones :huh: I heard that about phosphorus. Excess calcium could deplete magnesium from the body. Best thing to do is eat a well balanced diet and milk can fit into that diet.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Unsweetened vanilla almond milk is absolutely delicious. I don't taste anything nutty about it at all. 40 calories per cup.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Cats drink cows milk. A lion cub drinks dogs milk. Piglets drink tigers milk.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    its scientifically proven that the "calcium" in conventional milk actually leaches calcium from your bones. (sorry to burst bubbles)


    Most people do not have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium that is in milk. Studies have shown that overdoing dairy consumption leads to greater bone density issues, especially in women. did you not get the memo??

    Seriously? Yet you recommend almond milk, which is generally fortified with MORE calcium than cow's milk, but has LESS vitamin D. So, if "most people don't have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium" (which is garbage, vitamin D deficiency is extremely rare, AS THE HUMAN BODY SYNTHESIZES IT,) then almond milk will leach even more calcium out of people's bones, and they would be much better off drinking cow's milk. Please try using some critical thinking and logic the next time you decide to go spreading misinformation and myths.

    Roll eyes...I love how some people are jumping on the calcium isn't good for you bandwagon. You try doing without it and see how well you thrive. Most people should go outside more. And contrary to what you say, a lot of studies have shown that most people are not getting a sufficient amount of calcium in their diet. And as you've shown, they're not getting enough vitamin D, either.
    Are you talking to me? I'm not anti calcium at all, the person I was responding to was making a ridiculous claim, and I refuted it. Her claim was that drinking cow's milk (which has 25% RDA of calcium) leaches calcium from bones because people don't have enough vitamin D to process it (never mind the logic doesn't even make sense there, but that was the claim.) She also recommended that people consume almond milk instead. Almond milk is generally fortified with higher levels of calcium than cow's milk, but is usually fortified to the same level of vitamin D. So, drinking almond milk instead of drinking cow's milk would lead a person to increase calcium consumption without increasing vitamin D consumption, which, if her original claim had any basis in reality, would mean drinking almond milk would actually be worse than drinking cow's milk.

    Personally, I use both cow's milk and soy milk, depends on what I'm using it for. I'll use cow's milk for 99% of what I eat, but I'll usually mix soy milk in a smoothie, because I prefer soy milk to skim milk. I drink 2% or whole milk, generally, but my smoothies tend to be around 550 calories, if I used whole milk instead of soy milk, they'd be closer to 700.
  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    Seriously? Yet you recommend almond milk, which is generally fortified with MORE calcium than cow's milk, but has LESS vitamin D. So, if "most people don't have the necessary amounts of vitamin D to process the calcium" (which is garbage, vitamin D deficiency is extremely rare, AS THE HUMAN BODY SYNTHESIZES IT,) then almond milk will leach even more calcium out of people's bones, and they would be much better off drinking cow's milk. Please try using some critical thinking and logic the next time you decide to go spreading misinformation and myths.

    "A significant proportion of people in the UK probably have inadequate levels of vitamin D in their blood." When at least 25% of people in my country are deficient in a vitamin/mineral, calling something "extremely rare" on a worldwide site is probably best avoided.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    My pics don't work AHHHH
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Science at it's finest...

    Drink Milk
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
    im trying realllyyyy hard not to have cow milk but sadly im one of those people that is ADDICTED. i loovvveee milk ! but 1. its high in calories 2. its not all that good for you 3. hormones (because i would have holes in pocket if i bought organic every time) & 4.because the human species is the only one that drinks milk from other animals .

    human beings are the only ones that buy meat from the grocery store too. you going to start hunting??
    pig drinks dog's milk
  • nguk123
    nguk123 Posts: 223
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    You've never seen a cat drink milk from a cow?
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I use almond milk in my coffee, soy milk in my cereal and for baking/cooking and some recipies (like corn chowder) I use coconut milk but that is occasional. All my milks are 40-80 cal per cup (and I usually only use 1/2 cup or less at a time)

    I think really those are your main being probably the least expensive. I think you will find most milk alternatives to be more expensive than reg milk and it can vary so much between brands and stores. My milks on average are around 2-3$ per container. My kids soy milk is 1$ per container. However I've seen these milks as much as 5-6$ each.

    I know there are rice and oat milks available but each one is going to have it's own "taste" so you they may alter how recipies and food taste. I also found those milks to be quite high in calories (like 120+ per cup) so I stay away. Although my hubby did try rice milk and liked it.

    Good luck finding what works for you.