Hips, Butt, thighs and abs

Im looking for a dvd that works the hips, butt, thighs and abs those are the main area's i need to lose weight and inches off. I do my ellipitcal daily but wanted to know if anyone was doing a dvd that burns inches off those area's ??? I need at least 6 inches off my waist, hips and about 8 inches off my thighs lol...


  • FitChickBritt
    FitChickBritt Posts: 161 Member
    Definitely Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    You can't lose in a specific area. In fact doing a dvd specifically for those areas may make them bigger as you add muscle under the already existing tissue.

    If you change your eating habits and continue to exercise so that your body has a daily calorie defficit, you will lose weight and the pounds will come off. However, if you have trouble losing from those areas you will always have trouble losing from those areas.

    It's not impossible, but it will take patience. The first place you put it on is almost always the last place you take it off.

    Good luck!
  • sdirks
    sdirks Posts: 223 Member
    I really like this video so far:

    It's available for instant viewing on Netflix, which is really convenient for me. I Like the "Waist Slimmer" section. I used to be a ballet dancer and I can really feel the muscle tone and control coming back in my core after doing this portion for a few days. Haven't lost a ton of inches (.5 from waist and 1 from hips), but it's only been about a week. I'm not expecting overnight results, lol