Why do you love your kids? Lets brag



  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    I have the worlds sweetest two year old daughter. I love her kindness. I love how intuitive she is. I love when I get her out of bed each morning that she greets me with "I'm so happy to see you" or "Momma you're so pretty!" I love that she is unapologetically herself, that she LOVES herself and she is patient with herself. I wish we were all that way.

    I love her stuffed animal, Puppa Dog. He's as much my own child as she is. If I go somewhere, I don't forget her or her Puppa.

    I love her love for Cinderella and Minnie Mouse. I love how much she loves my parents and especially my closest sister.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I have 5 kids and love every one of them, including their challenges, successes, failures and all that comes with raising children.

    I recently almost lost my 25 yr old to a fire that was deliberately set in his apartment building (yet another person who is slipping through the cracks of our mental health care system--guy should not have been let out of his facility!), he was trapped on the 5th floor and had to be rescued by our city's fire department on Christmas Eve last week. I am very grateful for his life and those who saved him. His fiancee is as well.

    I'm proud of my 23 yr old son and grateful for the daughter in law he's given me through marriage to one of the most amazing women I've ever met. He is studying to be a video game designer and recently quit his job because he's earning enough right now on commissions to carry his bills and attend school.

    I'm proud of my 20 yr old son who is in his second year of mechanical engineering. He's one of the most amazing, caring, intelligent young men that I am proud to know and have in my life.

    I'm proud of my 17 yr old son who is a high school senior and has signed up for early entry into the U.S. Navy as a nuclear operator (I think that's what it's called--it has to do with nuclear engines in the ships). He is a good example to his younger sister, treats her with loving care, just as if she were a friend rather than his sister, and dotes on his girlfriend.

    I'm also proud of my 14 yr old daughter. She has been through a rough patch, getting through adolescence and dealing with her emotions, but is working through them in counseling and coming through it all a much stronger and more confident young lady. I enjoy spending time with her and having her show me her art work. I can hardly wait to see where life takes her, careeer-wise!
  • toottoots
    toottoots Posts: 67 Member
    cause hes gorgeous - Really is, people stop us in the street to tell me how gorgeous he is. Hes funny, and clever. I dont think ive laughed as much as i have in the past year because hes becoming such a comedian, hes four :D

    we were in the supermarket with my dad and he grabbed my dads hand and sang "IM GRANDDADS BOYFRIEND, IM GRANDDADS BOYFRIEND!!" - my dad was MORTIFIED hahahahahaha!!! XD
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    Because they are my perfectly, imperfect superheroes!
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    Man.... I could WRITE A BOOK on bragging about my son!!! :heart:

    Alas... I won't. He's not perfect, however, he is a wonderful person. He loves his momma and has a great heart. He is truly my very special gift from God!!! :flowerforyou:
  • LPJackson76
    LPJackson76 Posts: 67 Member
    I love how they make me laugh with randomness.

    I love listening to them play and hearing the strangest random things come out of their mouths.

    I love the fact that no matter how bad a day I'm having, a smile and hug from them makes my world A-OK!

    I need more kids! Because they are my drug of choice!!

  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    Wow I LOVE hearing how proud everyone is of their children!! It is so refreshing!!
    I dont have children but my twin sister has an 18mnth old baby boy and she just delivered her second son on Nov 28 (he was two months early). Aside from when she told me she was pregnant with her boys, the second I laid eyes on them I cried and never felt love the way I do for them.
    My 18mnth old nephew is soooo comical. He LOVES to make ppl laugh. Once he realizes he has made you smile he will continue to do what hes doing with a sly smile on his face. Hes a very sensitive boy too. When my sister was finally home from the hospital after her second delivery she had not seen her older son in 6 days, the second she saw him she cried and cried and her son just looked at her wide eyed, stuck his lip out and started crying too lol! He thought he did something wrong!!
    My one month old nephew squeeks lol, he was born two months premature so he is just tiny, needless to say he squeeks, doesnt cry lol. He has amazed our whole family. He was born one day before being 30 weeks in the womb and has been doing remarkable developing, and staying healthy. We are so very lucky!
    Everyday that I see them I am overwhelmed with love and feel so proud to be their aunt! My sister and brother in law do a wonderful job raising them and I am so glad to be apart of their lives.
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I love that they have the same off color sense of humor I do. We have some great conversations.