back after an emo year

Hi. I have been on MFP since June 2010 and I've lost 39 lbs. since then. This past year was a really rough year for my family
April 25-the parents of children we babysat after school went on a 3 day crime spree, killing one. The children were taken from us by CPS after detectives being in our house for 5 hours that day

September-we went to classes, had our lives dissected inside & out by caseworkers while we tried to adopt those 2 girls

October-moved to bigger house to accommodate a family of 6. Same month adoption fell through.

So I'm back and ready to get back to MFP as diligent as I had been before all of this took place. I need friends. I'll support you, encourage you when you're having a bad day & cheer you on when you're doing great.

Here's to a great 2013 :)


  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    and I know this makes me sound like a total drama queen but I'm not. I hate drama. I won't be posting daily, lengthy stories on your news feed...Just commenting on your food diary, exercise diary & weight loss. :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I would call that significant, relevant, and valid trauma, not emo. It's amazing to have come through that - and to be well enough afterwards to want to take control of your health. Glad to have you here!
    I've had a crappy year,,,,gained over 50 lbs and needed to loose BEFORE THAT! Would love to be your friend! :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Your strength and compassion shows in your story.

    Welcome back and good luck!

    I tend to be on the quiet side more often than not, but you and anyone else are welcome to friend me.
  • DraoMhaigh
    DraoMhaigh Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome back, sorry to hear about the terrible experiences you've had to face, I'm happy to support you on your journey and hope success comes to you.