It shouldn't matter, but it does



  • Mustaine4Pres
    I can totally relate. feel free to add me. i'm still working on losing the baby weight and my daughter is 4 1/2. I also thought i'd get back into my clothes within 6 months after she was born. I had no idea how tired i would be.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Of course it matters. You have every right to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin, baby or no.

    Try establishing a reward for doing the work you have to do to change your body. Here is what I am doing: I get $10.00 for new clothing for every hour that I put into exercise, and that's good, solid exercise, not going through the motions. I get $5.00 for every day that I complete logging of exercise and diet. (I've got a notebook for keeping track.)

    If your budget isn't as generous as mine, choose smaller amounts, but be sure to reward yourself for doing the work. Arriving at your goal, will, of course be the ultimate reward, but you need pay-offs along the way. Like you said, it's a long road.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I"m so sorry you're feeling down in the dumps about yourself and how you look. I can honestly say I've been there done that etc. It hurts to not want to go to someones house, party, etc because you don't feel good about how you look and you're worried people are looking at you and thinking OMG what did she do to herself? I've even heard people say that behind my back. I would use the excuse that it was due to my MS and my husband would even defend me and say to them well if you had to do the steroid treatments and harsh meds she's had to do etc etc. Well I finally said enoughs enough this is gone on too long. I didn't like myself and didn't think I was worth being loved. Coming here is the first step. I only wish I would have done it long ago. I keep telling myself now what on earth took me so long!!

    Keep telling yourself your worth it, your a beautiful person inside AND out!! So do this for you!! When you reach your goal weight celebrate! Set small goals and reward yourself. I set 10lb goals and will buy new clothes or get my hair done or go to see a movie. But don't reward with food. Do something for YOU!! This is the first for YOU thing and keep it going. Us moms are the last ones we take care of. You need to be healthy for yourself so that you can take care of your baby. You're going to want to get down on the floor and play with your baby AND be able to get back up again. You're going to want to go down that slide with your child and not get stuck!! Think of all the things you'll be able to do once you take off that weight and that will keep you going. Do this for YOU!!!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    When I had my first baby, I hated going anywhere without him, because if I had a newborn along, I could justify my fatter body by going, "See?! This is why I'm bigger, I just had a baby!" Not that anyone ever commented, but it was my mental argument against perceived judgment. So self-conscious! Now I'm just about down to pre-preg weight, and I have to take care of the damage I did without any help. :tongue: :sad:

    But take a look at your ticker. 17lb. lost tells me you know how to do this, you've got it in the bag. That's a big accomplishment already! Chin up, girl. Enjoy healthy food, enjoy the workouts, and enjoy that precious little one, and try to get as much rest as you can. You'll need it. ((Hug)) :flowerforyou:
  • lrgarza82
    lrgarza82 Posts: 35 Member
    Wow! Thank you all for the positive support and strong motivation :) Last night my husband hosted an MMA party, and there was temptation everywhere! 6 boxes of pizza (all looking stunningly delicious), two types of bufffalo wings, 4 different kinds of fries, and chips galore! All I could think about was "This HAD to happen right when I decided to go on a diet." I thought about delaying it for just 'one more day,' but guess how much I had? ZERO! I kept logging in and reading everyone's replies and instead of indulging, I left my son with my husband and went out for a long workout. When I got back, I was starving :) Instead of reaching for a slice of pizza, I grilled up some chicken and made a simple salade, then ate a pomegranate for desert. It was hard not to give in, and while I could totally have justified "just one bite," I felt like all of you were with me and didn't want to let ya'll down.

    This issue I have with food is an addiction, just as deadly and just as tempting as other addictions I'm sure. :) Thanks for being there for me last night and for the encouraging words. I've started logging my food as ya'll suggested, and I do feel more in control of things by doing that. I thought I had an idea of how much I was intaking daily, but I can tell I was WAY off! It's crazy how those calories can add up and how simple foods (like saltine crackers) can be deceptively high in calories. I thought each cracker was only 1 or 2 calories. Boy was I wrong!

    I guess all I have to say is, thank you!