How do you get in 10,000 steps with a desk job??



  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    If I am low, sometimes i'll just pace around my house. I'll start just sort of walking circles around my upstairs while the kids are playing, or whatever. Getting outside or even just grocery shopping help add steps, but really it seems like even small things add up. Make a goal for yourself and break it up into little increments, like standing up at your desk, getting in 800 steps per hour or whatever works for you.
  • KarenJ15
    KarenJ15 Posts: 81 Member
    My question is how do you count the steps?
    I have a Fitbit One. I think it's fairly accurate. It calculates steps based on my sex and height, so it's not entirely set up for my stride, but I count my steps and look at how many it counted and it's correct within one step usually. There is a way to measure my stride and record it in my settings, but that seems complicated. lol
  • ifoundroadkill
    ifoundroadkill Posts: 96 Member
    I do not work a desk job I am a stay at home mom. I have discovered just by cleaning my house and picking things up after my kids I get about 12,000-13,000 steps a day and 14 flights of stairs. What I do to get the extra is if you use the phone to text or whatever, walk around as your doing it. Cooking dinner? Walk in place. Walk from one side of the house to the other. Walk the long way to check the mail. Go on a 20 min brisk walk after work, cold is no excuse lol. I live in utah we have 6 inches of snow right now and my two very young boys and I got out and walked for 30 min yesterday :) If you have the motivation you can do it!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    A mile is 2000'ish steps.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I just got a Fitbit and it's first goal is 10k/day! I'm in a similar spot but I work from home!!!! My job does not have any breaks but of course we can go get a drink or go to the bathroom but at home... I don't have very far to go! I can't get up and walk while on the phone since I need to be working on the computer to review and answer their questions. Not an easy task!!!

    you can change the fitbit goal
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    I wear the body media and average about 8,000 steps which usually entails housework and 45 mins of activity. I would suggest getting a pedometer and using that to guide you. I would work out before and after work and do all that things that you mentioned already and then see how you can tweak that. Maybe some high back intensity workouts might get you closer to your goals.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,900 Member
    The goal is 10,000 steps a day, so I'm looking for ideas here! I already do the following (1) park in a far spot, (2) take stairs and not elevator, (3) try to get a few steps in every hour, and then I take a walk after work. 6,000 to 7,000 is my average.

    Tomorrow I am going to start walking a mile at lunch no matter how cold it is!! That should help I guess.

    Ok, ideas??
    There are actually "pedal units" that can be put under your desk so you can pedal like riding a bike.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    I know what you mean.......I am using the body media so I can keep an eye on my activity. Bottom line if i am losing weight then I am doing enough exercise. In any case, I am planning on doing my exercise in the morning before I get the kids ready for school and my class starts. Then at night I can see if I still need to use the treadmill. Wish me luck, we all seem to be in the same boar!
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    The goal is 10,000 steps a day, so I'm looking for ideas here! I already do the following (1) park in a far spot, (2) take stairs and not elevator, (3) try to get a few steps in every hour, and then I take a walk after work. 6,000 to 7,000 is my average.

    Tomorrow I am going to start walking a mile at lunch no matter how cold it is!! That should help I guess.

    Ok, ideas??
    There are actually "pedal units" that can be put under your desk so you can pedal like riding a bike.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Very cool....must check out! Thanks.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Get the STRIIV free app. It's not very accurate without the Play pedometer but I use the challenges to motivate me to get walking in the evening- imusecmynFitbit to count steps all day.
  • Steps are counted from doing aerobics and things too, I can rinse my 10,000 goal if I do a fitness class or go to the gym.

    I am lucky I live within walking distance of work so I usually make 5000 just in my commute. I also volunteer for all the errands at my desk job which involve lots of walking around the hospital where I work so that helps too. IE taking the post etc.

    Failing that an hour walk after dinner or before work will help you without doubt.
  • SameMe_JustLess
    SameMe_JustLess Posts: 245 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I actually changed my FitBit goal to 7,500 because it seems more doable, but hopefully I can work up to 10,000,
  • trishaeich
    trishaeich Posts: 40 Member
    I work a desk job and we had an 8 week step challenge with the goal of 10k steps a day. I parked far away, went to the furthest bathroom, filled my water every hour and walked at lunch (an indoor mall for 30 mins of straight walking racks up steps). I would try to get on the elliptical at the gym for 30 mins several times a week too. In the course of a week I usually averaged 10k steps per day. It's doable, you just have to want to do it! Good luck. :)
  • ohhhh I have the same problem.... I hate my job just because there is no physical movement io nvolved...
    how about printing papers to a printer away from you desk?
    Everyone in my office have their own printers, but I print to the network share printer on the other end of the office...
    helps a little :)
  • KarenJ15
    KarenJ15 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for all the responses! I actually changed my FitBit goal to 7,500 because it seems more doable, but hopefully I can work up to 10,000,
    I think I'm going to change mine too. :)
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    i ahve the same issue. I found at 3pm last week od only done about 3500! i nearly died! Ive only just started tracking with my fit bit but i just go for a super long walk after work.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Walk approximately 5 mile:)
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Find reasons to get up and walk around. Use a bathroom that's further from your desk. Run stairs on your breaks.
  • Alicestella54
    Alicestella54 Posts: 64 Member
    When I do my exercise I keep my pedometer on and also I wear it in the house moving from room to room to help me with the 10,000 steps if I have not reached it.
  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    I have my own business and work from home. This is a huge part of why I got 100 lbs overweight over the last several years. Inactivity. I bought a fitbit ultra in June when I began losing weight. First goal was 10,000 then I went up to 15,000 and then 20,000 as I lost a lot of weight and began to run. I've lost around 80 lbs since June. My advice is walk every single second you can fit in a step. I walk every time I am on the phone. I walk one solid hour each morning first thing (or run now that I can run). I also walk a lot just around my house. If I have ten minutes of wait time for a kid at an appointment I'll go outside and pace up and down the sidewalk rather than sitting on my butt. If I am at home, I will walk around my house and it sounds crazy but it really really adds up. I have to lose 20 to 23 more lbs. Best advice I can give is a buy a fitbit. It really helps you keep track and be CONSCIOUS about your activity or lack of activity every single day.