


  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    I didn't read the entire thread but if you haven't already discussed this with your doctor, I suggest starting there. It might be menopausal things but it also could be something else. I found as I went into perimenopause my body did all sorts of crazy stuff .. thyroid, diabetes, etc. So start with doctor to rule anything else out and keep being mindful of what you eat. I'm nowhere near where I want to be in weight but feel better since I cut back on red meats (I was eating meat 9 out of 10 times and have cut that back to about 4 out of 10 times) and processed food including fast food. Please try not to get discouraged -- easy to say but hard to do I know. This is why I've joined MFP to make it easier for me to track what I'm doing ---

    I have been to the doctor. She said to monitor my food and walk 30 mins a day. I haven't started walking yet but will be starting on Thursday when the kids go back to school. I had the stomach flu and then the kids have been on break.
  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    As of this morning I am down 3 lbs. I really hope it keeps coming off. I tend to lose 2-3 lbs and gain back 5. This morning for breakfast I changed what I normally have. Instead of regular creamer, I used sugar free creamer and cut the calories down to 80 from 144. I also added in a slice of whole wheat toast with a little bit of margarine and a 1/2 cup of apple sauce. For lunch I am going to have some of the leftover pork roast and a veggie. Last night we did eat out but I just had a 6 inch sub from Subway and since I was still hungry I ate a can of greenbeans. I figured that was better than chips. Thank you to everyone for the advice. I am working on making some food changes and will start using my treadmill when the kids go back to school on Thursday.

    I dropped the creamer all together and replaced it with protein whey, the reccomended protein on here is way low. Is the treadmill hidden so the kids can't use it? Why not start using it now? Go for a walk with them or play ball outside. The reason we gain weight as we become older is not really hormonal it is our laziness and bad eating.

    I can't drink the coffee without the creamer. Its too strong tasting for me otherwise. The treadmill is in the family room. Its the only place I can put it. If I get on it when the little ones are around they try to climb on it with me. School starts again soon though. Outside isn't an option. Its super cold outside and agravates my asthma. I live in Iowa. During the warmer months I do get outside and walk with the kids. Its just a very slow pace with them.
  • Amyirene74
    Amyirene74 Posts: 63 Member
    As for can I get enough without eating alot of meat? We are on a slim budget and meat is super expensive.
  • veggieluver2
    veggieluver2 Posts: 70 Member
    I don't think menopause is the issue.

    I'm 49 , eat 2200 to maintain. A modest cut from that to lose.

    I agree. I'm almost 49. I don't log every bite I eat, but I'm guessing I hit close to 2000 cals a day. I'm fighting menopause the whole way. My aunt and others tell me I'm going to gain and can't keep it off. Well, I'm going to prove them all wrong.

    I eat very well, I exercise at least 6 days a week -- cardio and weights (not lightweight) I left heavy weights for my size, and it feels great! I'm 5' 0" and around 110.

    I'll be in the gym first thing in the a.m. while others are sleeping off their hangovers and food indulgences. :happy: