Back To Try Again.

Hello Everyone. I'm not new here. I started in Jan 2011 with a goal of losing 25 lbs but after 5 months of eating right and exercising like a fiend, I got discouraged with only 8 lbs lost, started a new job and just fell off the wagon. Since then, I gained back all 8 lbs plus 9 more, so I am determined to get back and stay with it. I went to the gym for the first time yesterday (in 8 months) and boy was it hard, but I am going to stick to it. I'm going on a cruise in August and I really want to be fit and comfortable with myself.

Please add me, I need the encouragement.

Thanks and good luck to everyone :flowerforyou:


  • mrsmom67
    mrsmom67 Posts: 4 Member

    I'm new here as well...first time today actually :smile: :smile: . I joined weight watchers last July at work and have lost 35 lbs (mind you I gained 2.6 lbs back over the month of December from slacking). I came across this site and decided to join as my other program ends in March and I'm not sure if I want to continue to pay for the program. I know how easy it is to 'fall off the wagon'...stress is a big setback for me since I am a stress eater and would always choose the wrong food to eat. I had knee surgery back in February and really have not exercised for years...I always felt that doing all the housework I do was more than enough (just an excuse really lol). I started to use our treadmill yesterday for the first time ever and did it again today and feel really good about it. :happy:

    I wish you all the success in your weight loss journey and am just a message away any time you need encouragement.
  • broomykm
    broomykm Posts: 31 Member
    Sent a friend request. MFP is an awesome tool if you put in the time to make it work for you. And there is a great support network here, especially if you find and keep as contacts the people who log every day and are serious about their commitments!
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all welcome back! I'm new to mfp and it's awesome. I have 50 to lose. I want to lose it by my 50th birthday in July. I have a stepdaughter that has been an inspiration she is now in a size 4 from around 200 lbs. It's hard but maybe mfp is just what we need! Keep trying, Never give up and if you have any helpful quotes or diet and exercise ideas please let me know. Thanks