

  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh great, another thread where men get to talk about all the things they like and dislike about women's bodies. We haven't had one of these in at least two days. I was getting worried there for a minute...
    Yes, and us guys have never seen any women talking about Magic Mike on here.

    Not with the same frequency, absolutely not. These "what do men prefer" threads are LITERALLY twice a week events. If it's not desperate women asking men what they like, it's other guys asking. And then we get called insecure because we take issue with it. Which is really another form of shaming on its own.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    ^no ones choosing one of these girls as a girlfriend/wife, it was asked which body type was preferred.

    I didn't imagine that you were. But you were still "choosing" one or the other as if you were choosing a cut of meat at the store. I just don't see how this type of thread even makes any damn sense, although you are certainly free to make however many you wish. As I am free to state my own opinion. People have different types of bodies. Some people prefer those types of bodies. Whichever you prefer, great. But these 'hot or not' types of threads just make your thought processes out (to some people) to be shallow and a bit sexist, that's all. *shrug*

    Although at least these women have heads attached to the bodies you are judging/policing/ogling/whatever.

    Carry on.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • dan1971drum
    dan1971drum Posts: 8 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other sites that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just people looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member

    Not with the same frequency, absolutely not. These "what do men prefer" threads are LITERALLY twice a week events. If it's not desperate women asking men what they like, it's other guys asking. And then we get called insecure because we take issue with it. Which is really another form of shaming on its own.
    It comes down to attraction. Men and women are different. Generally speaking, men are hard wired to physical attraction. Asking a man to act differently is absurd. By the same token, I know several women who are attracted to money, social status, careers in a mate. If men are shallow for being attracted by looks then women are in their selections too.

    BTW, these same friends went on and on for months about going to see Magic Mike.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    I personally think the "skinny" girl on the left looks better and is cuter. Her body is closer to what I'd want for myself than the girl on the right. But's that's just me. :)
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    I just noticed that the 'curvy' girl has some of the biggest man hands I've ever seen hahahaha
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    The skinny example.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Proportional, smart and kind.
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    I prefer your mom.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    A woman can be skinny AND curvy. Because of the side view on the woman on the left, I can't tell if she's curvy or not.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other site that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    pps: Sorry about the "do" comment and it's lack of class ...but obviously you do not understand sarcasm. It seems like today, an emoticon smiley has taken the place of prose. Also, just because I am realistic about my (and other people's) looks, does not mean I do not appreciate a nice body. The one on the right is completely fake. That back-side is as large as mine without the surgery and weight-lifting. She has not truly-used a soccer field since she had those implants. So all of you ladies that are upset and posting because of another shallow-male thread are right ...but perhaps the initial-poster is more honest, and you are the ones that are "shallow"?

    Let me ask you something.

    How do you think the fit people here got fit? By NOT tracking their diet, perhaps?
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    This gets my nomination for dumbest thread of 2012.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member

    Not with the same frequency, absolutely not. These "what do men prefer" threads are LITERALLY twice a week events. If it's not desperate women asking men what they like, it's other guys asking. And then we get called insecure because we take issue with it. Which is really another form of shaming on its own.
    It comes down to attraction. Men and women are different. Generally speaking, men are hard wired to physical attraction. Asking a man to act differently is absurd. By the same token, I know several women who are attracted to money, social status, careers in a mate. If men are shallow for being attracted by looks then women in their selections too.

    BTW, these same friends went on and on for months about going to see Magic Mike.

    "Asking a man to act differently is absurd."

    I'm not asking men to not be attracted to attractive women. That's not what's up for discussion here. I'm wondering why we have to break these women down to their parts every damn week. You've missed the point by a mile, friend.

    You're also operating with hugely generalized stereotypes. Know lots of women who are gold-diggers who obsess too much over Magic Mike? Cool, might be time to get some new friends. I'm talking about things that are readily observable on this site.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other site that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Reasons why I like this site as a fitness app:
    1) Great friends list with people that have similar goals.
    2) Food diary - because logging your food matters whether you want to lose weight, gain or maintain. Also, it takes into consideration macros.
    3) Forums, great social aspect (when people aren't being idiots) Has groups, a wall for posts on your profile. A little like FB but IMO much better / has more likeminded people.

    I've seen a couple of other sites, but I still prefer MFP. I use Fitocracy to log my workouts, but that's about it.

    Your assumption about fit people on here is completely wrong. There is much much more to logging food and interacting with others on a fitness website, than pure weight loss. I have maintained on this site, gained weight (purposefully) and used it when I just plain want to get stronger! I'm not a made-up profile, and nor do I wish to feel better than others! We all have different goals, and I'll support anyone.

    Also, your comment to PregasaurusRex was extremely rude and uncalled for. Who says you can't be a mum, and work both inside and outside the home. There are plenty of people that do! If you want something enough (fitness/dream body....) then you can get it, even if it's a little harder than for others in different circumstances!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    its sad and funny how many of you let anything posted on the internet upset you that much.
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member

    "Asking a man to act differently is absurd."

    I'm not asking men to not be attracted to attractive women. That's not what's up for discussion here. I'm wondering why we have to break these women down to their parts every damn week. You've missed the point by a mile, friend.

    You're also operating with hugely generalized stereotypes. Know lots of women who are gold-diggers who obsess too much over Magic Mike? Cool, might be time to get some new friends. I'm talking about things that are readily observable on this site.
    I didnt miss anything. You turned this into a man vs women thing with your comment. My point is yes men can be shallow but women are shallow too.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    Did I strike a nerve? Clearly I did.
  • Maaarkk
    Maaarkk Posts: 93 Member
    I also take it that that are not your own abs in your profile pic; because if you are in that good of shape do not need to be here.

    It's MyFITNESSPal, not MyWeightLossPal. There are plenty of people who are fit and have goals for themselves that have every right to be here just the same as you.
    ps: the woman on the right will be a "tub of lard" in about 10-years.

    Totally unnecessary and untrue.

    This is a very poor "fitness app" ...and a most-excellent "weight-loss app". People have every right to be anywhere they want on the internet, including here. So far be it from me to have given you the impression that I am not an equal-rights person. However, if you are looking to get "toned", I can recommend several other site that have fitness as a focus, and will be far more beneficial. Fit people on this site are either made-up profiles, or just looking to feel better about themselves among us that are overweight, and serious about trying to do something about it. What do you want them to call the app ...""? it is called 'marketing', and it a first-semester course at any college or university. So when "pregosaurus rex" delivers and comes to more-closely resemble the "barney" she watches on the tele; because there is not enough time in the day to be a mom, work in the home, and work out of the home will more-better understand and appreciate my comments ...and this site.

    So stupid.

    You're blasting people for being healthy and in good shape, as if out of jealousy.
    People that are in shape, then decide to use this, like myself may have never worried about nutrition before. But now want to as it is of course very beneficial! Not just to 'out of shape' unhealthy people.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member

    "Asking a man to act differently is absurd."

    I'm not asking men to not be attracted to attractive women. That's not what's up for discussion here. I'm wondering why we have to break these women down to their parts every damn week. You've missed the point by a mile, friend.

    You're also operating with hugely generalized stereotypes. Know lots of women who are gold-diggers who obsess too much over Magic Mike? Cool, might be time to get some new friends. I'm talking about things that are readily observable on this site.
    I didnt miss anything. You turned this into a man vs women thing with your comment. My point is yes men can be shallow but women are shallow too.

    Never did any such thing. I placed as much of the blame for these dumb threads on women as much as on men. Go back and read. If you read men vs. women into it, it's because you wanted to. You were the one that inexplicably brought up women who date for money. Sounds like you have a history there. Perhaps a little resentment.

    Your argument is basically that "Women do bad stuff so it's ok if I do bad stuff." Wow, what an ethical, not to mention logical, train of thought.