Lost Weight and I LOOK THE SAME!

So, I started out in summer..and I was a whopping 230 lbs...and usually I was in the 226-228 zone. (And that is pretty bad for a teen.) So in July, when I got back from where I was, I lost a bunch of weight (sorta). I started MFP at 219.? lbs and now I am 201-202 lbs. I found a picture from when I was bigger (maybe around 223?) and I decided that I would take a picture and see my progress..because usually you see progress when you lose more than 20..right? I am 5'5, but I don't think there is any reason for my height being the reason why I do NOT see a thing! A couple of people have said something, and the scale went down in numbers..so I am only going by that..any reason why this could be? HELP! :noway:


  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Well you should really post the pictures because we can probably see things you aren't seeing. We're always our own harshest critics and you might be blinded by the flaws you perceive and not see the progress you've made.

    Also, take measurements. The scale is only one measure of how your body changes, measurements are important too!
  • stines72
    stines72 Posts: 853 Member
    Do you lift weights? If not, you should start
  • ReachingNEON
    ReachingNEON Posts: 68 Member
    Yeah..I should try measurements..but I KNOW I lost something..because I bought a bathing suit back in Summer and before it wouldn't even come up my stomach but it does. :D! Sure thing!! I need to find those pictures I guess...lol :)
  • ReachingNEON
    ReachingNEON Posts: 68 Member
    I was doing the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred..maybe I should reconsider starting again? :ohwell:
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member

    I started out at 232 in May and am now 202. I think if you take a look maybe at your face, your face should appear slimmer? Mine sure is slimmer.
    For me the size of my calves decreased. I was hugely bloated in my lower legs for some reason. They look relatively normal now but I've got a long way to go. As for my tummy, it's a little smaller but not much. hips and thigh area,...I do not see a big difference at all and I am hoping they will decrease in size soon. Keep it up and it will eventually be noticable i'm sure :)

    Oh, also, I can feel this bone on the sides of my wrists...super pumped about that! It's the little things that you notice first. The big changes come later ;)
  • divacat80
    divacat80 Posts: 299 Member
    I bet there is a change your eyes just don't see for whatever reason. Usually it's because we expect our shape to change but at the beginning all we get is just the same shape but tinier. And that's still good enough!

    Wait until you reach a weight closer to your goal weight for your shape to change :)
    The fact that people have told you they notice a difference is great news.

    To compare two pics they have to be taken from the same distance and even better, with some object or person for reference.

    Best of luck!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    thats better then what I get. I see the difference but until yesterday not one person would say anything unless I mentioned it.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    It depends on the clothes...It's hard to see much progress in clothes. But if you took before pics in a tank top or bra and form-fitting shorts I bet you could see progress. Plus it's hard to see much progress when you are still fat. I started at 238 in January, joined MFP in June at 214, but I looked the same to myself until I got under 200. Now I'm at 167 and I see a huge difference. But over 200 pounds I looked the same (to myself) as I did at 238.

    oh yeah! and take pics from the back, I bet you lost a great deal of back fat, that's always hard to notice without pics.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    And I second start taking measurements! That will really tell you about your weight loss. For me it took so long for my eyes to register the weight loss because my proportions remained the same. There is a 10 inch difference between my waist and my hips, and as I have lost weight that has remained consistent. I didn't start taking measurements until June and then my hips were 48 inches and my waist was 38. Now my hips are 43 and my waist is 33. Five whole inches off each area!
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member

    I started out at 232 in May and am now 202. I think if you take a look maybe at your face, your face should appear slimmer? Mine sure is slimmer.
    For me the size of my calves decreased. I was hugely bloated in my lower legs for some reason. They look relatively normal now but I've got a long way to go. As for my tummy, it's a little smaller but not much. hips and thigh area,...I do not see a big difference at all and I am hoping they will decrease in size soon. Keep it up and it will eventually be noticable i'm sure :)

    Oh, also, I can feel this bone on the sides of my wrists...super pumped about that! It's the little things that you notice first. The big changes come later ;)
    One thing is certain: you are heading in the right direction.
    Keep up the great work:flowerforyou:
  • ReachingNEON
    ReachingNEON Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks all of you..I looked at the comments and read them carefully. :)! The tanktop looked REALLY confusing..but I will try taking a picture at a different goal..maybe a loss of 15-20..but I am still fat..lol but as long as the scale is going to read 1--...that is totally fine. :) Thanks yall! And I will do measurements when I get back from vacation on Tuesday..I notice I can fit my small hand around my pudgy wrist..so that is better than nothin! ;D
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Measure, measure measure. You will also find the scale doesn't change at all but your measurements do. I didn't notie a difference, and I still hardly do. But I did eng up finding clothing that didn't fit started to fit. And stuff that fit perfectly before was horribly loose.

    Get a tape measure and track the measurements of your arms, thighs, calves, waist, around your belly, your under bust and your bust. This will give you a good picture on how and where things are changing, even if you don't see it.

    Also, body shape can also make it easier or harder to see weight changes too. So keep that in mind. If you have wide hips, it will be harder to see the change since your hips will always be wide. Same with shoulders....

    But check how your clothing fits and kep measuring and you will feel the progress!

    Good luck!

    P.S. for me, I don't have any difference in measurements around my wrists or even my calves after the first 10 pounds but changes everywhere else.
  • ReachingNEON
    ReachingNEON Posts: 68 Member
    thanks! :) I never thought of the "wider hips you cant really see the difference" lol..that helps a lot :)
  • shyeban
    shyeban Posts: 121 Member
    Noticing a difference takes awhile... I lost 20+ lbs before anyone noticed and 30+ lbs before it was obvious to all.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I see much more from the side than from the front, I see only very little change from my front pictures but the side pictures tell a different story.

    Lost 40 lbs this year.


    You might notice more from the side than from the front in photos too, who knows.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    I agree with the statement that pictures often are misleading. Having gained a few over Christmas, I took some carefully planned 'before' pictures, so I can wear the same thing, take the photo from the same distance against the same background in the same poses, etc. I'm at 225 right now; I know that I can lose 10 pounds and barely tell a difference myself, so I'm hoping that the careful photos will make it easier to see my progress.
  • IkirPaulson
    IkirPaulson Posts: 40 Member
    So, I started out in summer..and I was a whopping 230 lbs...and usually I was in the 226-228 zone. (And that is pretty bad for a teen.) So in July, when I got back from where I was, I lost a bunch of weight (sorta). I started MFP at 219.? lbs and now I am 201-202 lbs. I found a picture from when I was bigger (maybe around 223?) and I decided that I would take a picture and see my progress..because usually you see progress when you lose more than 20..right? I am 5'5, but I don't think there is any reason for my height being the reason why I do NOT see a thing! A couple of people have said something, and the scale went down in numbers..so I am only going by that..any reason why this could be? HELP! :noway:

    We are definitely our own worst critic. I am feeling the same way. The main thing is to not let it demotivate you. Eventually you will see results. The main thing is to stick with the program you are on and do not give up!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Alot of times I couldn't see it initially, so I started taking pics in the SAME clothes every 25 lbs.
    I didn't really start to see the huge changes until I was almost 50lbs down.

    You should post the pics for us becuase we would see what you cant :)
    19 lbs is a HUGE FEAT, you should be proud of yourself, keep working away and before you know it you will see it :)
  • treagal
    treagal Posts: 264 Member
    I started at 253lbs, I have lost 25lbs and can't really see a difference (just in my face). It's ok though...I'm working out hard so I know I will see results within a few months.

    If you lose another 20 you will see the results for sure! You can do it!!!!!!
  • Thickchicapes40
    Thickchicapes40 Posts: 20 Member
    Do you lift weights? You need to make sure you add strength to your cardio. And you need to stick with things in order to be successful. Although you may not see the difference in you, doesnt mean its not there. Maybe your being a little harsh on yourself, because you want it to be more than it is. Its not a race, its a lifestyle change. You didnt get to where you are over night, and remember muscle ways more than fat. Do measurements monthly, to see your changes.