American living in Japan saying. "Hi." :)

Hello everyone my name is Robert aka MixZ and decided to start an account on this site to get tips and help on getting back in shape but the most important part is to keep it off once I reach my goal. Back in 2011 when I moved my family to Japan I was a good 205 lbs and decided one day to check out a Zumba class that was near home. Since then I became hooked and even gone as far as to get certified myself once I dropped 30 lbs. For a time it was going really awesome I went down as far as 155 lbs and was 10 pounds away from reach my ideal weight of 145 lbs. Then in the beginning of 2012 I went in for surgery on my right knee and was down for 2 months with a few more months of recovery after. That really messed me up since the initial 6 weeks I could not do anything. It probably didn't help as I continue to eat as I did before and without the number of work outs at such a high calorie burn you can imagine I slowly started to regain the weight. Even after being fully recovered it was hard to get back into the motivation and towards the end here in 2012 I am now 187 lbs.

Now at the start of 2013 I will have surgery on my left knee and pretty much a repeat of the previous one. Short story years prior to Japan I was a Taekwondo competitor and my years of service in the US Navy (still active) have caught up to me. However I don't want to go through another sudden weight gain as I did before. I still teach Zumba and now Hip Hop fitness classes and will be back once I recover but I also want to get back on track to reach my weight goal.

I am currently researching into different means to do this while recovering and then once I am able to resume working out and finally back to fitness teaching. So if you have any tips by all means otherwise I am sure I will be posting around in the months to come. See you around the webs all.

P.S. I have posted dance fitness routines I have made on YouTube if your interested in dancing your way into shape. Subscribe, Like, and Share my page if you want. :)


  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hello there :) I am also an American living in Japan (Okinawa). Good luck getting healthy and I hope you recover quickly :)
  • redwan2001
    redwan2001 Posts: 286 Member
    Hey Robert welcome :) I can completely understand having surgery can completely throw everything off, because all your doing is eating. I am sure you will push throw it Zumba is awesome congrats on you being an instructor.I been using this app for the last few months and I have lost almost 46 pounds, challenging my body and making changes. Really no one really realizes everything you put in your mouth until you start tracking your intake. If I can do I know you can do it buddy :) . I am currently at 166 lbs a big difference from when I use to weigh 350lbs. I lost 150 lbs on my own by just walking and eating right. Keep on motivating yourself if you need an extra buddy feel free to add me :)

  • GamerMixZ
    Thanks Ash I was in Okinawa for a few years and miss being there.

    Wow Nadia that is awesome progress you made. That gave me some inspiration. :D
  • MissAnnieBananie96
    Konnichiwa Robert! :)
    Hope your surgery for your goes good, and good luck with your weight loss and other stuff and such. :)
    If you'd like you can add me as a friend!