P90X question..

Yesterday was my first day with the program... I am doing the lean version currently... I am sore as hell but feel awesome. I know I worked my butt off. My question is, I have about 20 lbs to lose before I am at my goal weight... a few more pounds wouldn't hurt... just 2 pant sizes and I will be happy.. I am really scared that by doing this that I will have all of these awesome muscles underneath my layer of flub... Honestly, I hope to God that this will help with the fat as well as the muscle tone... Anybody know? I think I will give it about a month and if I am not seeing the kind of fat reduction I might start trying to do some elliptical or other kind of cardio in the morning before work.. I hope I don't have to... Am I crazy for not thinking that this awesome butt kicking program will not help take care of the outer issue?????????


  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    :) It's understandable that you're worried. But I think there's still quite an element of cardio involved with P90X, and while you might not notice as rapid a change in weight, I think that you should see an even quicker change in your actual size and tone!!

    I am big on running, which is so cardiovascular, so I had a tough time introducing weights into my routine, but once I did --- it made ALL the difference.

    My brother does the P90X and he has seen such rapid body changes. I am not hardcore enough to try it out yet, so good for you!!! I've heard it's an awesome program..... good luck!
  • Rev_no_Boosh
    My understanding is that the P90X Lean is created to do just what you're asking. It will give you total body workouts while helping you lose body fat. I agree with the other poster that with the program you'll likely see dramatic body changes before the dramatic weight loss, since you'll be building muscle.
  • HeatherBurke
    I mostly am concerned with the way my clothes fit etc... not so much the number on the scale... When my size 10 jeans fit again I could care less what that stupid scale says!! Hopefully it will knock the inches off
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    You won't need to worry. The same exercises changes a man differently than a woman, even if you did the classic version you wouldn't see the kind of muscle gain that men get via the program. The only thing I can warn you about is with intensive weight training and exercise comes massive appetite.

    Your appetite will increase as your body demands more to do more, so be careful about that, don't starve yourself but at the same time don't overeat - as long as you keep tracking your caloric intake properly you should be ok. In my past I used to lift and do strenuous exercise and my eating habits increased, but as my schedule became full with other things, my exercise went done while my eating habits remained high, causing allot of that excess food to be stored as fat. So be careful to watch your intake and output as you switch to and away from exercise programs.
  • justinwiard
    I am into day 37.....Im just now starting to see some major changes. I tried Classic last year but i got lazy around day 60 and stopped using the program, now i am doing the Lean version and i think it is a lot easier.....hopefully this time i can make it to the end, and kick butt in Classic for my next round!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It is very hard to gain muscle and if you burn more calories than you consume i.e. deficit for each day based you your MFP goals, then you cannot gain mass, it is very difficult to gain muscle even with a caloric surplus, so you don't have anything to worry about.
  • LolaBee09
    I already completed my round of P90X and if you're just starting the program, I would recommend you start with the Classic Routine. Depending on how well your nutrition and your clean-eating methods are, you will gain muscle and burn fat at the same time. One thing you shouldn't do is weigh yourself constantly because you might get bummed out when the scale increases (keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat.) Keep the weigh-in on the recommended days and make sure you keep track of your measurements and you will definitely lose those pant sizes if you follow a healthy nutrition plan and do your best in the workouts. And if you're not satisfied with the Month 1 results, you should do the P90x doubles for Month 2 with the Cardio X in the morning and your regular workouts in the evening. Also, try investing in a very good heart rate monitor which also targets calorie-burns to let you know what your heart rate is and how many calories you're expending each workout so this way, you know what you're taking in and what you're taking out. Hope this helps!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Building muscles burns more fat so as you gain one you'll lose the other. Also agree 100% w/whyflysouth. Totally correct, because as you burn more your body requires more fuel (i.e. food); just don't over do it! Also agree w/LolaBee on the frequency of weighing yourself, because as you start working out, your muscles are going to retain water causing you to "gain" weight. Once they get used to the work outs, they'll release the water and you'll start noticing more of a difference. Just make sure you drink extra water on days you work out to replenish what you sweat!
  • HeatherBurke
    It is very hard to gain muscle and if you burn more calories than you consume i.e. deficit for each day based you your MFP goals, then you cannot gain mass, it is very difficult to gain muscle even with a caloric surplus, so you don't have anything to worry about.

    I welcome gaining muscle by all means... I just want to be sure that the layer of fat on top of it goes away as well.. I don't want to be squishy anymore!!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    My understanding is that P90X is not marketed as a weight loss program but as muscle building. I have been using it sporadically in conjuction with INSANITY, running, cycle, etc. There are some excellent threads in the fitness forum by people with extensive P90X experience, including BeachBody coaches. Yes, you are correct, that you will have beautiful muscles under any excess weight until that extra weight is burned off.
    Good luck!
  • HeatherBurke
    bump for hopefully more responses