working out

I am so frustrated with myself and working out lately. I had so much gumption at the beginning that even if it was late I would go work out for about an hour and a half. Now that it's been four weeks into this I am losing that gumption. I don't want to lose that gumption but I don't know how to keep it gowing. I am a music teacher and sometimes don't get home till 9:30-10:00 in the evening and the last thing I want to do but also the first thing I want to do is go put on some workout clothes and go to the gym. Any suggestions on how to keep that gumption going?


  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    can you do it at the crack of dawn? then you are done for the day
  • kingnatalie
    I think that planning a workout that will fit into your schedule better will help. For instance working out for an hour to an hour and a half takes up a lot of time when you are already spending much of your time working late. Try to just 30 minutes 3x a week. If you are less busy on Sat/Sun, then you could get a workout in each of those days - maybe even longer than 30 minutes. Then just pick one day during the week when you are hopefully home earlier to workout for another 30 minutes. Any additional time you have available will just be bonus because you will have already met your goals. This needs to be a semi-enjoyable part of your new lifestyle, otherwise it won't stick.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I fall into this rut all the time. For me, this has always been the pivital moment as to whether I keep going or quit... I have usually quit! This time was different. I did get that 4th week slump but I litterally FORCED myself to do it even though I really didn't want to at the time. It helps that I have a lot of support at home (and on MFP!). It took me about 2 weeks to get over that slump but I'm so glad that I didn't give up!

    Maybe you could take a walk on your lunch hour, or get a buddy to go with you. It's always easier when you're accountable to someone!

    Best of luck to you!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    Sometimes when I'm really busy, I split the workout up, because I don't have just an hour or so straight I'll do my cardio in the am and lift weights in the pm, or do yoga in the am and cardio in the pm, etc...that way I can just work out 20-40 minutes at a time. Sometimes I don't even have time for that and do 3x10 minute breaks throughout the day to workout (pushups, crunches, dips, etc if I'm not near any equipment, then a walking break with some stair runs (like in my apt building or finding one near/at work), then some yoga at night (which not only can work up a sweat, but helps me destress and relax...also good in the am to get you moving!). Different combos of that sort of thing...I burn the same amt as when I do 30 minutes at once! :)

    Also sometimes, I just have to plan ahead and do harder/longer workouts on the days I have more time, so that those busy days I can do short workouts I and use them as recovery days (I like having 2-3 hard days of training, 1-2 moderate days of training, and 1-2 light days of training, with at least 1 day fully off/active rest). Like today! I only had 30 minutes for a quick lift, but it was perfect since I did an 8 mile run yesterday and needed today for my body to recover.

    Sorry I think I typed this in the most confusing way possible, I hope it makes sense!:smile:
  • kelli_panzera
    Honestly? I work out every day I have the motivation, and some days when I don't. Yesterday I was hurting, and today i'm working a crazy schedule and i'm just plain tired. It's not an excuse, it's reality. Take a couple of days and know that life doesn't have to consist of killing yourself every day. Make good choices with food, and when the weight comes off a little slower don't be stressed about it, accept it as a natural part of your new lifestyle! Good luck, and when you're rested you can work out and get back on track. Just don't give up.